Monday, August 29, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sunday evening, you guessed it, sitting out by the fire. It is a beautiful evening, dead calm. I can still hear the Oxford 250 up at the Speedway in the background and a few minutes ago I was treated to the calls of the coyote answering back and forth as they were off on a hunt to catch their prey. From the final sounds that I heard, I think they were successful.

The time lapse picture of the pond was pretty as I set on the stairs headed towards the beach. I was trying to get the coyotes calls but were too late. The hunt calls are usually very short in duration. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Binding and Turtles

Carol here ~ 

I found a fabric to use for a binding on the Morning Star quilt I told you about last week.  Remember I figured out I didn't have enough binding AFTER I got it mostly stitched on?

It looks okay, better after I got it hand stitched to the back.  It will have to do.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Quiet Tuesday evening out sitting by the fire. No sunset tonight, well I’m sure that there was but no visual effects here. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

A Busy Sunday

Carol here ~

Yesterday was the Annual Green Pond Horseshoe Tournament.  It was started 36 years ago by my mom, Avis Coolidge, a champion horseshoe pitcher.  

Back in the day she competed ~ against the men.  They did not like it much as back then there was a women's category and a men's category but no rules that women couldn't pitch in the men's category.  The difference was the number of feet between the posts was less for the women.  My mother had grown up pitching against her brothers so she always pitched the men's court at 40 feet. I think the men mostly didn't like it because she always beat them!

Lots of relatives, pond neighbors and friends participate.  It's an all day event ending with a pot-luck supper.  (I made four dozen yeast rolls)

Here is the cheering squad..

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, sitting by the fire on Tuesday evening. It rained earlier this evening just before I cooked supper’s burgers on the grill. It cleared up rather nicely and I have, so far, enjoyed a pleasant evening. My view tonight with the time lapse off, letting the camera only use the light it sees as available. 


Monday, August 15, 2022

What I'm Working On

Carol here ~

Now that the weather is a bit cooler I have been getting some bindings done.  I finished the binding on the Hunter Star quilt that Dan had been working on back in May.  You can read about that here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

To continue the recap of the Maine Quilts exhibit, 

Rona 7 of the exhibit was a popular one 

A couple of different blocks were created and alternated then were set off well with the intricate border. This quilt was a favorite of many at the show.

Monday, August 8, 2022

August Fun

Carol here ~

Last week we went upta Rangeley to attend the Rangeley Friends of the Arts production of Sweeney Todd.

Everything about it was outstanding! Daughter Erin was the Director and also played role of Mrs Lovett, one of the lead parts.

Here is a newspaper review, written by Tim Straub.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dan' Ramblings

Dan here ~

I was sitting out by the fire the other evening listening to a book on my Ipad when I began to hear a cat meowing. I heard it for a while before it dawned on me that it was coming from twenty feet away from me and not from the book. 

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...