Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dan' Ramblings

Dan here ~

I was sitting out by the fire the other evening listening to a book on my Ipad when I began to hear a cat meowing. I heard it for a while before it dawned on me that it was coming from twenty feet away from me and not from the book. 

I realize that I was a little slow on the figuring it out, but I was trying to pay attention to the book. I hate it when I am listening to a book and I get into doing or thinking about something else and get lost regarding what is happening in the story. If I get sucked into facebook or something like that I get lost in the story and have no idea what is going on. I digress again though. It is very easy to do. I am sitting by the fire and have to keep interrupting my typing to kill a bug on the laptop screen. A distraction, they happen all the time. 

Back to the cat, she is a distraction. I am a lover of cats. I enjoy a well behaved dog but I love cats. I prefer indoor cats. Around here though there are many other critters, winged and otherwise that would be satisfied with kitty for dinner. Can you imagine my chagrin if when looking out the window I were to see one of the eagles we love to see, flying around with Fluffy hanging off of Baldy’s talons flying up the pond. That is why were I ever to have a cat here, it would need to be an indoor cat. But if I ever had a cat here, I would want a cat that I adopted as a kitten that had never experienced the outdoors. I have found that makes a big difference concerning training them to stay inside. I know you can’t train a cat is what you’re thinking. If so, you are probably one of those dog people that never train your dog either. If you train them to love you, you’d be surprised what they will do when requested. I digress again. See how easy it is.

Back to the stray cat, I got her to come to me after a little convincing and she would let me pat her and caress her. She had no idea how much that meant to me and from the purring it meant something to her as well. I gave her a little milk in a cool whip bowl to see if I could get a sense of how hungry she might be. My theory was if she only drank a little of it then probably it has not been that long since she ate. She drank about half of it and seemed content and roamed around. I saw her a couple times as I sat listening to my book. She would roam around and come back and meow some more. Then something would seem to get her attention and off she would go. Only to show up again later.

Then as I sat still listening to my book I hear a slurp, slurp repeatedly and realize (quicker this time) that the cat is back. It cleaned out the milk and I did not see her again before I went in for the night.

Continuing with the Exhibit quilts: Rona 2

In this one I used up a bunch of nine patch scraps and used a four patch as the corner stones. I used a rectangle that I popped off the corners and added back another color to get a star and add interest.

Rona 3. 

Used up a lot of four patch units and more popping of corners with a piano key border.

Rona 4.

Again used up a lot of four patch units some corner popping and again a piano key border. The difference this time is, I made up some four patch units using the light 2-1/2” squares that I had been avoiding as I made four patches.  I used them to get white stars.

That is the next three quilts from the exhibit. The pictures do not do them justice.  

The rest of the week is supposed to be quite hot.  I can't say that I am a lover of the hot weather.  I guess I'll have to walk early in the day so I don't cook while doing so.  Stay safe. stay hydrated (that means drink a lot) enjoy.  It will be snowing before we know it.


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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...