Monday, August 15, 2022

What I'm Working On

Carol here ~

Now that the weather is a bit cooler I have been getting some bindings done.  I finished the binding on the Hunter Star quilt that Dan had been working on back in May.  You can read about that here.

I was pawing around in one of the cubbies upstairs and found this quilt that I had quilted in December 2020. I had started the binding but never finished it.  So, spent a lovely afternoon out on the front patio hand stitching the binding down.  This is another one of Dan's designs, doesn't really have a name and not sure when it was pieced ~ sometime back when we had the shop.

Then I figured I was on a roll so yesterday decided to bind the big-ass Morning Star quilt I talked about back in March.

If you remember when I talked about it then you know that I thought the quilt was one size and it was actually another size ~ a bigger size.  Well, evidently the binding was made according to the first size as I got three quarters around the quilt with the binding and realized that there was not enough to finish.  ARRRGGHH!  

I looked in the 2-1/2" strips bins hoping there would be a strip in there.  Nope.  Dan even went out to storage see if he could find some there.  It would have been a miracle if there was as this quilt was pieced in 2010, that fabric is long gone.  

Poopy.  Now I have to unstitch what I have sewn and look for another fabric that will coordinate okay with the border fabric.  

Needless to say, when I realized I had all that unstitiching to do I threw the quilt on the floor, shut off all the lights, grabbed my book and headed out front on the patio.

 I also made a couple of pot holders/hot mats last week that I gifted.

We went for a motorcyle ride the other day, well, actually a trike ride.  I hadn't been on the bike in maybe three years?  Had a nice ride, it didn't bother my back which I was concerned about. 

Stopped for an ice cream on the way home.

A good day.  

Have a wonderful Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't take off that binding but find some of the other fabric, or complement and just add it to the binding. It will give and interesting twist to the quilt! and much less work for you :)


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...