Monday, August 22, 2022

A Busy Sunday

Carol here ~

Yesterday was the Annual Green Pond Horseshoe Tournament.  It was started 36 years ago by my mom, Avis Coolidge, a champion horseshoe pitcher.  

Back in the day she competed ~ against the men.  They did not like it much as back then there was a women's category and a men's category but no rules that women couldn't pitch in the men's category.  The difference was the number of feet between the posts was less for the women.  My mother had grown up pitching against her brothers so she always pitched the men's court at 40 feet. I think the men mostly didn't like it because she always beat them!

Lots of relatives, pond neighbors and friends participate.  It's an all day event ending with a pot-luck supper.  (I made four dozen yeast rolls)

Here is the cheering squad..

Second cousin Sam pitching...

Up the pond neighbor Rob and second cousin Scott

The winners ~ Team Sam and Rob!

Here is great-niece Annie and I having a conversation last night after everyone had gone home.

Photo by Joelle

Me:  Did you have fun today?
Annie: Yes!
Me:  What was your favorite part of the day?
Annie:  ummmm,  All of it!!

Not many days left in August ~ enjoy them!

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