Friday, August 26, 2022

Binding and Turtles

Carol here ~ 

I found a fabric to use for a binding on the Morning Star quilt I told you about last week.  Remember I figured out I didn't have enough binding AFTER I got it mostly stitched on?

It looks okay, better after I got it hand stitched to the back.  It will have to do.

What a gorgeous day yesterday.  Most of the day the pond look like this.

There was a very brief rain shower mid-afternoon but it cleared right up again until
Dan was trying to cook supper out on the grill. It poured buckets!

We took advantage of the calm pond and got a kayak ride in.  The turtles were enjoying it too, they were everywhere!

I love to watch them, this bale (had to look that up) of turtles were trying to decide if I was a threat and if they should abandon their log and jump in.

Yup, looks like I got a little too close. Sorry guys.

Dan's flowers out front are gorgeous.  There are only two plants in each flower box, they sure filled in nicely.

The beach is huge!

Another weekend is upon us, do you have anything special planned?

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...