Friday, August 23, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Just came in from out by the fire. It was chilly out there. I definitely needed the fire for heat tonight. I managed to get rid of the barrel of sticks I had at least. I remove the brush and sticks along the driveway and the barrels come in handy for that. Another of the insane things that I do. I think that it looks better and allows the younger vegetation to grow.

Tonight's view just after sunset was stunning. 

It never ceases to amaze me how many different versions of the same scene I have. Much like the many, many pictures I have from the Height of Land. Don’t know why I keep taking them, maybe just another of the insane things I do. There are probably a lot of them so better to not try and keep a tally of them.

I have been rather lazy this week and don’t seem to remember a whole lot exciting that happened. The tractor broke down so I have been using the wheel barrow a little more. Hopefully the dealer is working on a solution.

Carol had an adventure on her way to chemo on Wednesday. She had a flat tire. Three weeks ago that would not have surprised me, as she had one that needed air on a regular basis. Unfortunately, we had replaced all four of them two weeks ago, so a flat tire was unexpected. Todays errands consisted in part of getting a new one installed to replace the donut. I don’t know why they did away with using a real spare tire. I guess because they want you to replace all the tires when new ones are necessary. Oh well, we have a fourth new one to join the other three almost new ones. I hope the rest last a while now. On the way to town for the tire change I thought for a minute we were going to need a new windshield as well. Driving along I hear a loud bang as what I think was an acorn careened off the windshield. It certainly jumped me and had me looking the dang thing over rather closely. No damage though.

Quilt #20 for 2024 actually went together rather easily. I did utilize Jack a few times but he was not a constant companion. It looks like confusion, but anyone that knows me knows that I at least tried to create it with a degree of symmetry. I think it came out well. The EQ8 design and colors are more pronounced but the real quilt looks much better than the picture as usual. 


After working for a couple days “cleaning” up my work station and making a gazillion scrappy four patches I made the error of drawing out the couple different blocks I was considering using. This led to my placing all the just created four patches and the rest of my 8-1/2” strips that I use to make my scrappy foir patches into a bin and file it away for now. I found that to get the look I wanted, the color palette needed to be consistent and not scrappy. So five fabrics were chosen and off I went. Here is the first three blocks. 

About 1/3 of the blocks are complete. That means there are a lot more to go. I am not a great fan of using half square triangles but one does what is necessary. I enjoy the repetition of the four patches and the V-block has always a favorite so it is moving along nicely. Maybe by next Friday, that’s right, time will tell.

It looks like my weather should be pretty nice from Friday through at least Sunday. Mostly sunny days and temps in the upper 70’s maybe even low 80’s. The long range forecast for next weekend, Labor Day, is not looking good. Looks to be a possible wash out. Oh well, time will tell.

Stay safe and enjoy your weekend, I hope to try. Until next time.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...