Monday, August 1, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ 

Sunday’s sunset. 

We survived Maine Quilts 2022. A great time was had by all. (I don’t really know that for sure, I didn’t ask everyone, but it looked that way). I can tell you that the vast majority of the people who came into our exhibit thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I know because many of you told me how much you appreciated us showing the exhibit. I am humbled. A big thank you to all that came and visited and thank you for the wonderful comments. 

Also, thank you for mentioning that you enjoy following the blog and reading about our lives. On that last thought, as we move forward in time, please leave a comment from time to time, even if it is just an eye roll emoji or a like. That way we have a better indication that we are not just doing this for the same small number of people or for ourselves. I talk to myself all the time, along with the other voices in my head. I don’t need to type it out and save it. Ask questions, comment or like so we know you are there. It’s called a personal connection. It’s good for both of us. Thank you all again.

Over the next several blogs we will show you pictures taken at the show of all the quilts. This is mainly for those of you who were unable to come and see them in person. We hope you enjoy them. While the pictures don’t do them justice it is the best I can do. I’m not going to say too much about them when we show them. If there is something about one of them you want to know more about, that is what the comment section is for. I’m not going to ramble about design and construction of the quilts as we show them, mainly because I don’t remember what I already mentioned in earlier blogs as it was being made. And I also don’t know if any of you really are interested. I discussed design in detail with several delightful ladies and some gentlemen so I know some of you have questions about how I constructed different quilts and how I got the various effects. Answers only arrive after a question is asked. If you want me to discuss how I made one of the quilts ask a question in the comments and I will tell you.

With that in mind: First in the show was a quilt called “Double Trouble”.  A quilt made up of 9-patch units separated with a double sashing strip and 4-patch cornerstones. A very simple quilt. 

Second is the final show quilt before life changes. This quilt showed at MQX, VQF and Maine Quilts. This is the only quilt that was in the exhibit that Carol was able to free motion, hand guide the quilting. Carol feels that this is maybe an example of her best work. 100 medallions with separate fills in each. Even down to the dragon, granddaughter Kailey drew and Carol incorporated into the quilt. 

Now we start with the Rona Quilts. My recliner quilt is Rona #1. A much used quilt in cooler weather, and living in Maine that can be at anytime through the year. I made it, as some of you know, to stay on me as I slept in my recliner for 3 months after I broke my collar bone in the sledding debacle of 2020. It fits over my feet and up to my chin and tucks in nicely along my sides. Being only one layer, it was not too warm and I did not kick it off. Problem solved. 

My lily that daughter Vanessa gave me is becoming quite full of blossoms. 

The one from a Rangeley friend has more than last year, I think I counted fifteen buds total, and there are 4 left to open. Beautiful display, both of them. 

 This one also had a baby so now I have two. 

As many of you know I write these musings by the fire (when possible) the night before Carol publishes them. Tonight was one of those nights. A truly beautiful evening. No wind, dead silence with the exception of an occasional bull frog, with maybe an answering bullfrog off in the distance. The fire is dying and it is time to go inside and sew for a while. 

I am working with some 1-1/2” scraps making four patch units. Maybe I’ll be far enough along to start talking about it next time. Maybe by then I’ll have a clue what I’m going to do with them. 

Until next time, Dan signing off.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your postings every day but haven't commented. I just lurk and read. It is so good to see what you and Carol are your work is so beautiful. It makes my day!


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...