Sorry, not taking any quilting jobs at this time.
Minimum fee is $50.00
- Trim loose threads
- Press well and make sure seams are lying flat.
- Make sure you have no wavy or crooked borders (see below) and that your quilt is square.
- Stay stitch 1⁄8′′ around the edge of your quilt if you have pieced borders
- Place a safety pin at the top of the quilt if needed
- 1/2” seams pressed open ~ we prefer seams running horizontally.
- Remove selvage on any pieced seams but do NOT remove selvage from the back’s edges. This is to allow proper alignment when backing is installed on the longarm frame.
- Press well
- Make sure the backing is square. (there are many YouTube videos on how to do this)
- Your backing should be at least 8” larger than top (if your top is 60’x80” your backing must be 68” x 88”)
- Use quality fabric ~ we do not accept bed sheets
- Your batting should be 8” larger than top (if your top is 60’x80” your backing must be 68” x 88”)
- We carry and prefer Quilters Dream batting as it is of a quality we can rely on. We reserve the right to refuse any batting that we feel is not up to our standards.
- Our normal thread choice is Hab+Dash Fil-tec Glide 40 wt thread on the top and Superior Bottom Line 60 wt in the bottom.
Any of the above services that we must perform on your quilt will be charged at our $25.00 hourly rate.
- Measure the quilt lengthwise in three places and average those measurements
- Cut the border to the average length, pin and stitch, easing to fit if necessary.
- Measure the quilt width in three places and average those measurement.
- Cut the border to the average length, pin and stitch, easing to fit if necessary.
- Repeat above for multiple borders.
The patterns below are from Urban Elementz
You may also choose your pattern, just let us know your choice!
We also have an account with My Creative Stitches
Longarms are mechanical devices and can malfunction. Although we do our utmost to assure perfect results every time, on very rare occasions mechanical problems can occur which may cause damage to a quilt top and/or backing
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