Monday, February 28, 2022

Maine Quilts 2022 ~ Part 1

Dan here ~

Those of you from Maine may already be aware that Maine Quilts  will be special for Carol and I 
this summer.

As you are aware, if you have following this blog, I have been working on a series of quilts that Carol has been frantically quilting.

For many they have been referred to as my Rona quilts. These were the quilts that I created after isolation was imposed due to the COVID 19 virus. I called this the Rona virus and referred to the quilts created as the Rona quilts. They have grown to include the first two that I started as my stash buster series of scrappy quilts ~ now called my “Can I Use up My Stash?” series.

Friday, February 25, 2022

This and That

Carol here ~

The other morning we noticed a fox sitting out on the ice. At first we thought he had caught something and was having his breakfast but when he stood up we saw that what we thought was his breakfast was really the end of his tail. He must of been grooming himself. He sat in a few places before he finally decided to run across the end of the pond and up the banking to the ridge. Fun to watch the wildlife.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Nice chilly day on Sunday. Carol and I had a nice walk. I personally liked the 50 degree days of last week better, but as Carol was quick to remind me, I will be bitching about the heat before long. I’m retired I need something to do. I like bitching about the weather, I’m a Mainer.

I’m still cleaning up scraps, but I did start a project. Not an original, it actually came out of the book I mentioned last time. It literally came out of the book. This is the block I found in the book. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

A Spring Tease

Carol here ~

Yesterday definitely gave us a tease of spring. It was 56 degrees when we headed out for our walk after lunch. Water running everywhere! The top layer of the pond was liquid.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

It certainly cooled off after the weekend. Monday and Tuesday were very chilly but was not too bad walking when the wind wasn’t blowing. The dirt road I walk on is mostly in the woods and is out of the wind. Where I notice the wind blowing is at the house. It seems like it is always blowing down one pond or the other, trying to pick us up as it goes by.

Tuesday night picture taken about 9:30 with a 3 second time lapse.

Monday, February 14, 2022


Carol here ~

Yep, you guessed it, more of the same ~ binding and longarming.

I finished up the hand stitching of the binding on the TWO FAVORITES quilt.

We took it outside yesterday to get a picture of it completed.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Carol would be upset if I failed to tell you about the coffee debacle. 

I got up Wednesday morn and made coffee with our Keurig coffee machine. I pushed all the requisite buttons and walked off to do something else while the coffee was doing it’s magic so my day could receive it’s initial charge. 

I came back to find out I left out one step, put the damn coffee mug under the machine. Oh what a mess. The little holder under the cup (that’s there I’m sure just for this reason) does not hold a 12 oz. cup of coffee. Be real, how many of you brew an 8 oz. cup? Not me, I brew a 12 oz. mug and if I don’t drink it all I throw it out. But had I only brewed 8 and I wanted 9 oz., well you know where I’m going with this, I would have to brew another mug. See my point, plan ahead. You won’t waste that much water. Take it from me, and I have to go get all my drinking water. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

More Of The Same

Carol here ~

Nothing new and exciting happening here just more quilting and binding.

I got the binding sewed on to Rona 20 which now has the name TWO FAVORITES because two of Dan’s favorite fabrics ~ the border print and the dark blue used in the sashing diamonds ~ are used in the quilt.

I love quilt-y gadgets. Here is my Binding Baby, she holds my binding, I place her on my upright thread holder.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Sunday evening. 

We had snow over the weekend and that meant that I spent more time than I needed shoveling snow. Sore shoulders, reminding me that we are arriving at the two year anniversary of the sledding debacle of 2020.

More snow in the forecast for tomorrow into Tuesday. They are saying 3-5 inches. As I’ve said before, “What it is”.

I have been talking about finding something else to spend some of my time doing instead of continuing to make more quilts. As we keep saying, “what are we going to do with them all”.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Thursday evening.

I did something different today. I sewed a “zoom sew” with a few of the Men Who Quilt group I belong to. There are men from all over the world that belong to the group, unfortunately only a small group were available today. I quite probably would have been sewing anyway so was fun to sew with different people than just me. I realize I am quite different but that is not what I meant. Supposed to happen every other week, we’ll see what happens in two weeks.

Work continues on my current project. I still have a fair number of flying geese to make, but truth be told I could almost make them in my sleep. (Carol thinks I do)

I tried two different color ways for the sashing strips. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

This and That

Carol here ~

Happy February!

February is my favorite winter month. The days are a bit longer and the sun is starting to get some warmth to it. Yesterday was one of those days, it was gorgeous.

It would have been lovely out on the the pond with snowshoes but don’t think I am quite ready for them yet so got a nice walk in instead.  I love getting out in the fresh air and clearing the cobwebs out of my head.

Quilts and a Recipe

Carol here ~  I've had a couple good out front patio binding sessions this week. I finished up 2024-3 earlier in the week 2024-3 and 202...