Friday, February 25, 2022

This and That

Carol here ~

The other morning we noticed a fox sitting out on the ice. At first we thought he had caught something and was having his breakfast but when he stood up we saw that what we thought was his breakfast was really the end of his tail. He must of been grooming himself. He sat in a few places before he finally decided to run across the end of the pond and up the banking to the ridge. Fun to watch the wildlife.

When we lived in Rangeley the grands had left a tennis sized ball down in the garden.  Every morning when Dan went in the garden the ball was in a different spot, couldn't figure it out.  After seeing a fox napping on the edge of the garden one day we decided it was him and his family playing ball in the night. 

On Tuesday we scooted over to Vanessa’s as it was Jakob’s 12th birthday. We stopped at Sam’s Italian Foods and picked up sandwiches for lunch. (if you’re a Mainah you know Sam’s). We had a nice visit, gave Jakob his birthday present which is a remote controlled speedboat. Guess he has been wanting one for a while.

Kailey thought it would be fun to attach their GoPro camera to it so they could stalk the turtles!

I am finally on the last of Dan’s quilts that he had pieced. FLYING GEESE 1484 is on Lena right now, I am about half way done with the quilting, should finish it up today. Yay! I will then have three bindings to complete.

I am using the digital pattern THREADZ by Urban Elementz.

Earlier this week I completed the quilting on Flying Geese 1176.

I used the digital pattern A LITTLE BIT THIS also by Urban Elementz.

Also finished the binding on FAIRY STARS.

Phew, I’ve been busy!

Someone asked me how I was feeling the other day.  My answer has always been I have good days and bad days.  This time I answered I am pretty much having good days with an occasional blah day here and there.  That's when I realized I AM feeling better!

I have also walked almost every day this month which has helped strengthen my back immensely.

Onward I go!

Have a great weekend all.

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This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...