Monday, February 7, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Sunday evening. 

We had snow over the weekend and that meant that I spent more time than I needed shoveling snow. Sore shoulders, reminding me that we are arriving at the two year anniversary of the sledding debacle of 2020.

More snow in the forecast for tomorrow into Tuesday. They are saying 3-5 inches. As I’ve said before, “What it is”.

I have been talking about finding something else to spend some of my time doing instead of continuing to make more quilts. As we keep saying, “what are we going to do with them all”.

In a time very long ago I played at playing the guitar. Never really got very far for mostly mental reasons. I was a woodwind guy. Clarinet and saxophone. Notes did not have names they had finger positions. I found it difficult to look at the guitar the same way. 

Well anyway, fast forward until the other day and I brought home my guitar from storage. (I left the banjo there but that’s a future story) I have not tried anything as of yet, because I am trying to get the current top finished first. There are lots of guitar classes on line today so who knows. If I don’t get anywhere with it this time I plan on getting rid of the damn thing. Oldest grandson is into guitars so I guess I could give it to him.

As many of you may know I build my quilt tops by adding my sashing strips and corner stones to my blocks. 

This time am also adding my borders to the blocks so I can add them to the quilt top as I go. 

I find this easier than adding long strips of pieces as sashing strips after the blocks have been assembled. I am gaining hopefully, next time you will see a complete top. Until then, enjoy.

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