Wednesday, September 29, 2021

There's No Place Like Home

Carol here ~

I am NOT a city girl. We went to Boston on Monday. I had an appointment with a Myeloma specialist at Dana-Farber. My oncologist wanted me to go there to (1) get info about stem cell transplants and (2) see if the specialist had recommendations on my treatment.

I’m pretty sure the stem cell transplant is not for me. First of all, even if I was a candidate after all the testing, it would mean up to an additional six months of feeling crappy ~ way worse than I have been feeling. I would have absolutely no immune system for several weeks and lots of drugs to be administered among many other things.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here from in the studio. 

This was a rather nice rainy weekend. The showers were scattered and not violent. That’s a good thing. One of the planters on the wall was blown unto the beach and does not look the greatest but it is the end of the season. I think I can rearrange a couple and eliminate that one and no one will ever know the difference. Most everyone gone now anyway, as the pond becomes quieter by the day, soon there will be just us hand full of year rounders. 

Cleared up quite nicely today, a little chilly, but nice. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

This and That

Carol here ~

Vanessa came by the other day to pick up the canoe that she and Lucas let us borrow for the summer. We thought it would be easier for me to sit in the canoe instead of the kayak. We used it a few times but not a whole lot.

Dan and Vanessa got the canoe on to the top of Vanessa’s car, got it strapped down and she was good to go.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, no fire tonight. Just got back from Rangeley. I rode up to watch the grandsons play soccer. They lost but played an exciting game. I thought I was going to freeze though. By the end of the game it was beginning to get dark, which meant no more sun and the wind howled the entire game. I was awful glad I had my heated jacket on. I ran the jacket on high almost the entire game.

Height of Land on way up 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Soccer game

Carol here ~

It was such a nice day on Friday that we decided to ride up to Rangeley to watch the soccer game. Both Evan and Parker are on the high school team.

Height of Land on way to Rangeley

Friday, September 17, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, by the fire. Beautiful calm evening, a little chilly but quite nice. 

Now Wednesday afternoon was another story altogether. That little bit of weather I mentioned I heard was coming, well it came. We even got a tornado watch. Carol and I watched the sheet of water come down the pond as the storm erupted upon us. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, coming at you from the studio. A storm is coming with rain aplenty, at least I read that somewhere. It was a little windy tonight so I opted to stay in. As you can see it calmed down by dark. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Quilt Week

Carol here ~

As Dan mentioned in the blog last week we were partaking in a quilting get-together with friends at a rental property in Casco. We commuted as our house is only about 25 minutes from the rental. I went over most days for a few hours but came back home when I was tired.

The rental house is gorgeous and on Crescent Lake. I snapped a few photos to share with you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dan's Ramblings/Quilting Get-Together

Dan here, no fire tonight. Just got home from the first evening of a fall quilt get together that started last fall and has returned again for this year. We are meeting at a rental home in Casco, Maine. There are 5 others plus Carol and me. 

Carol and I are commuting, as the home is only about 1/2 hour away. With our schedules this year it just worked out better that way.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, Thursday evening, no fire tonight, much too windy. Oh well, as soon as I ramble about something I’ll go sew.

Sometimes it is rather difficult to come up with something to talk about. Then I remember how long Seinfeld was on the TV, and remember that was an entire series about nothing. When I think about it, that pretty much describes what happened here at the pond today. Nothing. I got out of bed a little late after sewing until after 1:00 Am. Made brunch of fried potatoes and scrambled eggs accompanied by bacon cooked in the oven. After leaving Carol the left overs for her lunch I went for a walk. That took a little while as I was shooting for a good day because Thursday is end of my walk week. I went about 4-1/2 miles and I will finish the week at around 36 miles. Not too shabby, I’ll take it.
The road as I set off on my walk

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Happy September!

Carol here ~

Happy September and happy first day of school to our music teacher daughter, Erin, and our four grands, Evan, Parker, Kailey and Jakob. Erin is beginning her 21st year of teaching, Evan is a senior, Parker and Kailey are freshmen and Jakob starts middle school. They are growing up!

Erin, Evan, Parker

Quilts and a Recipe

Carol here ~  I've had a couple good out front patio binding sessions this week. I finished up 2024-3 earlier in the week 2024-3 and 202...