Wednesday, September 29, 2021

There's No Place Like Home

Carol here ~

I am NOT a city girl. We went to Boston on Monday. I had an appointment with a Myeloma specialist at Dana-Farber. My oncologist wanted me to go there to (1) get info about stem cell transplants and (2) see if the specialist had recommendations on my treatment.

I’m pretty sure the stem cell transplant is not for me. First of all, even if I was a candidate after all the testing, it would mean up to an additional six months of feeling crappy ~ way worse than I have been feeling. I would have absolutely no immune system for several weeks and lots of drugs to be administered among many other things.

I still have time to “think about it” and I could get my stem cells harvested and frozen for later use. It is not a cure as there is no cure for Multiple Myeloma.

The specialist agreed with the treatment I have been receiving and also recommends 8 cycles of treatment if I can tolerate it even if my numbers are showing remission. After that I would be on long term maintenance with treatment on days 1 and 15 and a lower dose of the oral med on days 1-21. I will be on treatment for the rest of my life. Next week begins my 6th cycle.

It was a very long day. We left early in case of traffic but sailed right through so had a wait for my first appointment which was registering. Then had an appointment for lab work, then had to wait again for my appointment with the doc which was for 1:00. Finally got in at almost 2:00. My back was screaming at me from having to sit in all those uncomfortable chairs. Traffic was heavy on the way home so took a hour longer to get home than to get there.

Was so happy to see this sign!

Yesterday we went to the boys soccer game which was in Portland. Parker scored a goal, so glad I got to see it! Evan almost scored, tried to get a picture of him but he was running so fast all I got was a blur!

Dan and I had made a batch of Mamie’s Famous Applesauce on Sunday so brought a container full to the boys. When we lived in Rangeley they would help me make it or I would have it all ready and still warm when they got off the bus at our house after school.

These pictures came up on my Facebook memories this morning ~ Parker helping to make the applesauce. I think this was in 2009 as it looks like the year we re-did our kitchen.

I have no place to be today so looking forward to a day at home. Thinking I might make a couple loaves of my Sprouted Whole Grain bread.

What’s on your Wednesday agenda?


  1. You are very brave, Carol and getting your treatment in the best place evah. I have a cousin in CA who was diagnosed just about a year ago. She is having a stem cell transplant on Oct.8. May the both of you be watched over by the Powers that be.

  2. Thinking of you and missing the store, tho' that is being selfish of me. I'm so glad you are getting needed help and have Dan and family to be good support. I admire your "move forward" attitude. Take care and enjoy today!! :)


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...