Friday, September 17, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, by the fire. Beautiful calm evening, a little chilly but quite nice. 

Now Wednesday afternoon was another story altogether. That little bit of weather I mentioned I heard was coming, well it came. We even got a tornado watch. Carol and I watched the sheet of water come down the pond as the storm erupted upon us. 

photo by Carol

This picture looks bleary but it is really the sheet of water against the windows that makes it appear that way.

My pictures were spoiled by the camera reflection in the window. 

The lightning was plentiful and was all around us. I tried to get a picture, but it seemed that I never got the flashes of lightning. So I sat there on the chair with my iPhone pointed out the window. I just took picture after picture, snapping the shutter every second or two. Didn’t think I ever got one, but as I went through each shot and deleted them, I found this one. 

By far not the best lightning flash we saw, but the only one I captured. Oh, and the tornado never happened. I was curious how things were going in Munchkin Land, guess I won’t find out.

My big Bertha, the Jade plant, does not appear very happy, it’s leaves are droopy and just seems sad.

I had started a clone in the spring and just transplanted it into a decent pot. 

I found a set of three pots online so I decided to start another in the small one and in the larger one I planted two clones. All the ones I planted had roots trying to root somewhere. I trimmed away the leaves that would be buried and pushed the rooted sections into moist potting soil. I then crossed my fingers and will see what happens. (I didn’t really cross my fingers it’s just a figure of speech. I wouldn’t get anything done with my fingers crossed.) Hopefully they will all root. I may need to try Bertha in a different location but locations are limited in our tiny house. I think she wants more light. Don’t really know. Hate to see it die, it’s older than I am, I think.

I also brought in the two Christmas/Easter cactus or whatever they are. I think they blossom whenever they please, but to just call them cactus doesn’t seem to describe much. I had brought them outside for the summer. I first set them in the pond for a couple days. Then set them in the mostly, shady side of the the house for the summer. They seemed to like it (different scenery and all). We’ll see how they like being brought back in. 

The jade plant I brought out and put in the pond with the cactus did not enjoy the dunking. Two days after bringing it out of the pond I bumped it and all the leaves fell off. I cut it back to try and save it and a little piece came back to life but I think I shall put it out of it’s misery. 

I may try to root the stump with the leaves and see what happens. The jade is a pretty hardy plant, it just might survive.

Well, the fire is dying so time to call it a night and head into the studio for the night shift.

Enjoy your weekend, I will do my best to do so as well. Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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