Friday, August 30, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ 

I had a beautiful Thursday evening by the fire. The pond was flat as a mirror and unlike in the spring, it was quiet except for my audiobook. I am inside now as I write this, then I begin to sew until I quit for bed. Here are two pictures of a couple of my little friends as they look out over the pond and the sunset this evening. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Carol here ~ 

I made the first batch of applesauce with this year's apples the other day.  One container for Annie and Alex, one for Evan and one for us.  I will make quite a few batches in the next few months, some to eat now and some to freeze to eat throughout the year.  We just finished up the last container from last year.

Alex and Annie

Friday, August 23, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Just came in from out by the fire. It was chilly out there. I definitely needed the fire for heat tonight. I managed to get rid of the barrel of sticks I had at least. I remove the brush and sticks along the driveway and the barrels come in handy for that. Another of the insane things that I do. I think that it looks better and allows the younger vegetation to grow.

Tonight's view just after sunset was stunning. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Horseshoe Tourney

Carol here ~ 

Sunday was the 36th Annual Horseshoe Tournament started by my mom, Avis Coolidge, a champion horseshoe pitcher.  Sister Terri has kept the yearly event going since our mom passed.

There were 10 teams, pitching was pretty much all day.  I still don't know how they decide who's out and who continues.  Up the pond neighbor Dick keeps track of everyone on this score sheet.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

In the studio. It was a rather odd day today, weather wise. I went to bed this morning with the forecast of cloudy most of the day with thunder storms in the afternoon. Wrong, we had a thunder storm then it rained most of the morning, then turned out half decent this afternoon. Neighbors have a horseshoe tournament on Sunday so Carol and I have been keeping an eye on the weather. An interesting concept, at least it would seem so anyway. A couple days ago the forecast was for rain most of the day. Now the forecast is for a cloudy and mostly dry day. There is still a few days before Sunday, you got it time will tell.

I am rather disappointed with many of my plants this season. While almost everything looked good for a while for some reason much has fast forwarded to near dead about four weeks earlier than I would have expected. 


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Upta Rangeley

Carol here ~ 

We went up to Rangeley last Friday to attend the DIVA show.  Daughter Erin has been directing and participating in this show for years, not sure how many but I'm guessing at least twenty.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening, it’s a bit windy so I’m inside. Quite the roller coaster ride with the weather. First it’s unbearably hot now it’s almost chilly out. Hard to believe where the summer is going. Oh well, I did go swimming once.

I went to pick blueberries today. The picking is still fantastic, almost better than last time. The fields they are picking now are just right. None that are real soft. Good tasting berries. Picked my two big buckets full in about 45 minutes.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Carol here ~

Well, I made it to another birthday, it was Sunday.  Thanks to those of you who sent me birthday wishes.  My usual birthday treat is a Sam's Whoopie Pie but I changed it up this year.  We went out to the Log Yard Dairy Bar in Poland and had frozen custards.  Yum ~ just right.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening, not a whole lot going on around here. This is tonight’s sunset. 

Carol told you about me weeding and swimming. Well I wed for a while today but saw no need to swim again. The water has receded on the far end of the beach and it is hard to believe that I had it all cleaned up last fall. The twigs and pine cones extend in a band 6’ wide just offshore. Oh well, something to whittle away at.

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...