Friday, August 30, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ 

I had a beautiful Thursday evening by the fire. The pond was flat as a mirror and unlike in the spring, it was quiet except for my audiobook. I am inside now as I write this, then I begin to sew until I quit for bed. Here are two pictures of a couple of my little friends as they look out over the pond and the sunset this evening. 

It was a nice day today. The weather was a bit chilly at times if not in the sun but a nice day. As Carol said, a nice fall day. I went over to the neighbor’s and removed more of the wood that he asked me to remove for him. I had to drag some rather large and long lengths of pine that had fallen over towards his neighbor’s yard. It’s gone now and most of it is on the hill at our place where it gets split and stacked. Actually quite a bit of it is split now as I decided to just split and throw it into a pile to stack another time. I have mentioned my wood pile several times, here is a couple pictures of that pile. One of these days I’ll have to actually measure it. 


One side is about as high as I can get it. The arms don’t toss wood as high as they used to. Todays wood must be different or something. The other side still has some room to grow. We’ll see, time will tell. I’m sure I’ll find some place to put it.

I spent a few minutes and picked up a bunch of acorns around the picnic table while we were out by the fire. Sure are a lot of them. I found this triple still attached to the stem. I took a photo before I threw it in the fire. 

I finished quilt #21 for 2024 on Wednesday evening. For this one I used the two blocks that I showed you last time.

They went together quite easily and at least it was a change from using all four patches. I twisted four blocks and had to pick them out and correct them, I also put the last border on upside down. Luckily, working with batiks it was an easy fix. Still using all polka dot fabrics which limited my fabric selection a little. As usual it looks better in person. The two different blocks created an almost dizzying effect with the eye candy that keeps yours eyes moving. The circles that your eyes see are dependent on where you allow your eyes to focus. An interesting play on angles. 


#22 for 2024 has been designed and is already underway. Three blocks this time with color change in the background fabric used for a much needed spark to what may have been a rather dull quilt. I’ll keep at it, I won’t be ready by next week I’m sure, unless we get a lot of rain.

The weather forecast seams to change every time I check it. I hope you enjoy whatever you have planned for this final weekend of what most of us consider the summer. Think about it, I’ll be cussing at the leaves on the beach before you know it. If traveling this weekend be careful, there are still a lot of tourists around. Almost every time I go somewhere I watch cars coming at me heading at either me or into the ditch. It isn’t always out of state cars but often is.

Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...