Friday, June 28, 2024

Quilts and a Recipe

Carol here ~ 

I've had a couple good out front patio binding sessions this week.

I finished up 2024-3 earlier in the week


and 2024-4 yesterday.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

In the studio. 

The weather has changed it’s mind a great many times in the last few days. First we had the real hot weather last week then wind and rain knocked off most of the rest of the brown pine needles off the pine trees. Now sitting and looking out along the pond the big pines look a lot greener. They still look like real old pines, but at least a little greener. 

Of course after the pine needles fell off they landed in the pond and on the driveway. Those that landed in the pond ended up on the beach. 

With some help that was visiting our neighbors, we managed to get the majority of them cleaned up. Those that landed on the driveway were blown off again.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Carol here ~

Happy Summer!

It sure has been HOT this week!  I've already gone in the water more times than I did all last summer.

Erin arrived Tuesday afternoon, it was too hot to kayak so we waited until after supper to go out on the pond.

It was still hot!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ 

By the fire. Beautiful, calm and warm evening. Time will tell if there is a decent sunset. It’s nice finally to have a calm evening and be able to have a fire. My wood pile is getting enormous. There must be close to 12 cord up on the hill. All split and stacked. I suspect that none of the big pile will get used before next season.

I worked on some big wood today to help out a neighbor. A big tree came down during the spring storms and was still up against the house in the back yard. It was a lot bigger wood than I normally like to play with, but I was able to utilize my tractor to do the heavy lifting. I could roll the two foot diameter chunks unto the bucket fitting only two side by side. A few times I was able to lift another on top to move three at a time to get them down to the hill to be split. At the point I am at the splitter, I can stand the splitter on it’s nose and roll the wood right onto it. I can then split it into small enough pieces so I can right the splitter and split them normally. Good exercise, I can’t quilt all the time, I don’t think I can at least. Well, maybe, time will tell.

Friday, June 14, 2024

This and That

Carol here ~

Here is granddaughter Kailey's latest creation that she designed and made in her fine metals class, a hummingbird necklace. She is so talented!

She will be taking a workshop for animation for a week next month at the Maine College of Art & Design (Meca) in Portland.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

From the studio. Too windy for a fire, that seems to be the pattern. This time of the evening is windy. Oh well, I’ll ramble here a few minutes then go to work. I shouldn’t be too long, it seems that each day is much like the last. I did go grocery shopping today, not much exciting going on there either.

I fixed a neighbor’s water pump last week, now he wants his toilet replaced. I also told him I’d cut some more of his dead trees. Hopefully I didn’t open a can of worms. That is one commodity we are in no short supply of around here and that is dead trees and dying ones. I helped our next door neighbor cut a maple tree down and clean up the mess. When I split it for him, I saw that the middle third of the tree was rotten. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pine Needles, Pollen & Alligators

Carol here ~

Haha, of course not really alligators but it's what we call the logs, tree branches and pieces of wood that end up floating in the pond.

As you can tell, it doesn't take much to entertain us.

The pine needles are really thick this year.  All the pine trees around the pond look brown because they have so many pine needles ready to fall.  When the wind starts blowing they start flying!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, 

Thursday pm from the studio, too windy for a fire. 

What a day today was. Here is tonight’s sunset. 

It only got better later.

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...