Friday, June 21, 2024


Carol here ~

Happy Summer!

It sure has been HOT this week!  I've already gone in the water more times than I did all last summer.

Erin arrived Tuesday afternoon, it was too hot to kayak so we waited until after supper to go out on the pond.

It was still hot!

We decided to head out early Wednesday morning to beat the heat so we were on the pond by 8:15.  So calm.  But still hot.  

We noodled, water is very refreshing.

Vanessa, Kailey and Jakob came over yesterday, more noodle-ing happened.  I actually went in the water twice.

I haven't gotten any walks in this week, too hard to breathe with the humidity.  A storm came through last night so should be better today.

I did manage to load Dan's 2024-14 on Lena and got one pass quilted. Planning to get to it this weekend.

Can't believe we are coming up on the last week of June already ~ enjoy!

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Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...