Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

From the studio. Too windy for a fire, that seems to be the pattern. This time of the evening is windy. Oh well, I’ll ramble here a few minutes then go to work. I shouldn’t be too long, it seems that each day is much like the last. I did go grocery shopping today, not much exciting going on there either.

I fixed a neighbor’s water pump last week, now he wants his toilet replaced. I also told him I’d cut some more of his dead trees. Hopefully I didn’t open a can of worms. That is one commodity we are in no short supply of around here and that is dead trees and dying ones. I helped our next door neighbor cut a maple tree down and clean up the mess. When I split it for him, I saw that the middle third of the tree was rotten. 

I personally think there are a whole bunch of them like that. It is not surprising that many fall over when the wind blows hard.

The beach continues to grow, slowly but steadily. The water has warmed up a lot, I will admit I have only been wading, but the water is not that cold.

We had a brief shower last evening which led to a remarkably long lasting rainbow. 

It was quite pretty.

Last night I finished #14 for 2024. Still using up the 2” squares and 2” strips. I have made a lot of four patches! On this one I changed it up a bit by making some 7-1/2” finished blocks to go with the four patches. I made this accent block using eight 2-1/2” finished half square triangles with a four patch in the center. I drew the basic layout using my design software, EQ8. 

Yes, the small four patch shown are in the top, you just need to look real close. I did the inner border a little different this time as well. I added the gray strip on both sides of the blue and red four patches. I rather like the effect it lends to the design. 


I am well on the way with #15 for 2024. More of the same basic idea. I changed the design in the middle of #15 and needed a smaller block configuration on the second border.

Of course I already had the larger blocks all made that I thought I needed. Yes. I could have used my seam ripper and taken a row off the existing blocks, but I opted to make them all over and save the others for #15. Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with them. I’m sure I’ll think of something. The hard part is keeping these all at least a little bit different and staying within the size constraints. These are all about 60" by 75". #14 measures 63 x 75 as is before quilting shrinks it a little. 

Stay safe until next time, hopefully it will warm up a little here. I guess we get what we get. Enjoy your week.

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