Friday, March 31, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening. I think that the wind has finally let up, at least I can no longer feel the vibrations of the house with each wind gust. I don’t really like the wind but it seems like it is a constant here on the pond. There is a fair amount of open water on the neighboring pond, but Green Pond is still locked in tight. It needs to get warmer than it did today to continue the melting process.

I had seen a coffee mug that I showed to Carol. Well, she found it on line and bought it for me. 

I don’t really know how much discussion is necessary regarding the message on the side. But as we talk and I drink my coffee in the morning, the comment has been made, “ better hurry up I’m almost to The Line.”

Monday, March 27, 2023

Thank You Martha!

Carol here ~

Remember I told you a couple of weeks ago that our friend Martha volunteered to bind some of the donations quilts for us and we took her down four of them?

Well, she had all four completely bound in less than a week!  I went down to pick them all up.  Here they are, numbers 9, 10, 11 and 12 for 2023 all done!


Friday, March 24, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. Today was wet and foggy here at the pond. 

There are getting to be more and larger dark spots on the pond surface. Hopefully it will continuing to get darker and then disappear completely. We haven’t really felt comfortable walking on it much this year anyway, I will be glad to see it go. When the pond is water it is a lot easier to tell if it’s windy or raining.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sunday evening, chilly and windy tonight. Here is a picture of the sunset. 

Friday, March 17, 2023


Carol here ~ 

I've been on a cleaning spree.  It started with a couple of kitchen drawers but once I got started I just kept going.  Have cleaned all the kitchen cupboards and drawers, inside and out including the big pantry cupboard.  Cleaned the cupboard under the TV and cleaned all my dresser drawers ~ how do I accumulate so many socks?  Those that haven't been worn since we move here have now moved on.

When I was cleaning under the sink I discovered a leak so Dan had to put his plumbing hat on.  Got 'r fixed.

Even gave my Mr/Mrs Piggy a bath.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Hoping we don’t loose power on this Tuesday evening.  It has snowed hard all day.  Until about 5:00 this afternoon, then the blacktop started to go from the black where the snow just melted all day, to deepening layers of white.  To look up the pond reveals pretty much a whiteout.  It is hard to look up the pond though because the wet sticky snow has stuck to all the windows. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Weekend

Carol here ~

We went to Readfield on Saturday to an art exhibit with work by Maranacook High School students.

Our granddaughter Kailey had four of her pieces on display.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening. The wind she does like to blow. Lately the wind has been blowing quite steadily. I did see an eagle the other day, first one in a long time. I’m sure they hang out on the other side of the ridge where there is open water, but on this side fishing is still a little hard. I have been noticing more and more open water like areas on the pond. It’s almost like the pond is thinking about spring. I’m ready, anytime works for me.

The dirt road that we are forced to travel for about 1/2 mile to get to the house has become almost painful to drive down. At low speed you are forced to bounce up and down as each pothole is entered and exited. The truck dodges and weaves as it is thrown around trying to get down the road. If you speed up, it can get a little better as you then spend less time residing in each hole. This transfers the bouncing to more of a shuddering as you rattle along across the tops of the constant potholes, many of them contiguous with the one before it. Then there is always the possibility that you chanced going too fast, and bounce about out of control and hit a tree. If doing so on this Old County Road there is an excellent chance that the tree is dead and will break off upon impact and fall on top of you. Much like at the roulette wheel at the casino at the top of the hill, one takes ones chances driving down our dirt road.

The moon was quite bright last evening, this is the picture I captured leaning out the studio window.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sunday evening from the studio. It would be way too windy for a fire tonight even if it was warmer. That time hopefully will come. Much of this weekend was spent in the relocation of snow. 

We received about a foot of the white winter precipitation. The snowblower worked great. I blew all the way up to the top of the driveway to throw the snow out into the woods. I shudder to think where the plow guy would have put all the snow. I don’t really think that the plow guy will be considered a necessity in another season. I’ll need a sand guy and that’s pretty much it. The snowblower makes a much, much neater driveway than a plowed one does. Luckily the wind did not blow while the snow was light and fluffy. This meant that there wasn’t and will not be much snow blowing around.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Tuesday evening. It snowed hard today. All. Day. Long. At least it was light powdery snow. If the wind comes up I will get some assistance in the relocation of the dang stuff. The wind probably won’t put it where I want it, but it usually does a decent job of removing it from the roof of the house. I relocated about 6 inches this afternoon. I have to remove it from the Shelter Logic, our frame shed with the rip-stop cover. Much like the greenhouse of my past life, they will take a lot but, only so much. Much easier removing the snow and cleaning out beside it, then seeing it collapse like you see a lot of them as you drive through the countryside. They are handy. That’s where my tricycle is. On the new shed roof the snow usually slides off pretty good. At least so far.

#14 for 2023 is complete. 


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...