Friday, March 17, 2023


Carol here ~ 

I've been on a cleaning spree.  It started with a couple of kitchen drawers but once I got started I just kept going.  Have cleaned all the kitchen cupboards and drawers, inside and out including the big pantry cupboard.  Cleaned the cupboard under the TV and cleaned all my dresser drawers ~ how do I accumulate so many socks?  Those that haven't been worn since we move here have now moved on.

When I was cleaning under the sink I discovered a leak so Dan had to put his plumbing hat on.  Got 'r fixed.

Even gave my Mr/Mrs Piggy a bath.

If you missed my original post on the pig cookie jar you can read it here.

All clean and shiny!

My walking has been off the last couple of weeks because our road is so bad.  Yesterday I needed to get out and get some fresh air so we braved a walk.  The road is so full of holes that you have to walk with your head down so you don't step in a hole, could very easily break an ankle or leg.  ugh.  Don't need that.

Here I am washing the mud off my boots when we returned back home.

Lena and I are still trying to keep up with Dan on our quilting.  Finished up #16 yesterday using the DRAGONFLY DANCE digitized pattern, one of my favorites.

Our daughter, Vanessa, loves to work on puzzles.  I think Dan needs to clean up his sewing space, put his machine away and borrow a couple of puzzles from her to work on for a while instead of sewing.  Sounds like a good plan to me....

Have a good weekend!

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This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...