Friday, September 27, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday. I think today will pass as a rainy day. I was going to Rangeley for the soccer game but it was cancelled because of the rain. 

I am writing this in the AM as I have finally managed to make an appointment to change the battery on my ever expanding laptop. Everything still works fine but the battery is out gassing causing the case to swell. The Man is going to swap out the battery and test to be sure it is charging correctly. I don’t know if I will get back today or not. Hence, I’m writing this now. 

After a few trips to The Man I now have my laptop back with a new battery. Amazing, not as hot and seems to work much better.

Yesterday and the day before I worked on getting the tree out of the water that fell in during one of last years storms. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Happy Fall!

Carol here ~

We are starting to see some color around the area.  Saw these red leaves on my walk the other day.

Also on my walk the other day, I saw a critter streak across the road up ahead of me.  It was low to the ground and brownish in color with a long tail.  I was telling Dan what it looked like and he thought it might of been a Fisher.  I went to the Google for verification and that's what it was.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

No fire tonight though it was probably the last night possibly for this season I could have set out in shorts and a tee shirt. It was well after dark when we got back from Parker’s soccer game in Bingham. They lost 6-1, just couldn’t seem to get on track today. I think the next game is Monday, we’ll see how they do then. Time will tell.

The leaves are changing, though it seems there are few reds and more yellows and browns. The sunset coming home tonight was gorgeous. We were coming down the interstate and it seemed to go on for miles. The pink clouds and the orange sky were breathtaking. Carol obtained this as we cruised along. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

More Soccer Games

Carol here ~ 

We sure have had a nice stretch of great weather ~ this is what the pond has looked like for many days in a row..

Several people around the pond took advantage of the beautiful day on Sunday to bring their swim floats and docks in.  A fall chore always better on a warm day instead of waiting for a cold and windy day.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here, 

Thursday evening, no fire as we got home from Parker’s soccer game after dark. They played a good game but they lost this one 3-2. Possibly heading to Rangeley on Saturday for the next game. We’ll see, time will tell. There are games in Rangeley Saturday and Monday, we may only make it up to one though.

We saw many leaves starting to change in our travels up to Waterville today. Mostly along the interstate where it is wet. The season is changing every day, I notice the nights are getting chillier. Some nights it is a struggle to not freeze to death getting into bed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Busy Week

Carol here ~

I didn't think we had anything going on this week but it's turning into a fairly busy week for us.

Yesterday we went to Rangeley for a soccer game.  We're trying to get to as many of them as we can as this is the last year we have grands playing.  Rangeley won 7-0.  Grand Parker made three goals with two assists.  The team is really working well together this year.  They have another game on Thursday in Waterville that we are planning on attending.

We passed by the Height of Land on our way home as the sun was going down, gorgeous as always.

Height of Land

Friday, September 6, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening, too tired for a fire. Carol got me out of bed this morning with a call from the tractor people. They were coming to pick it up and take it in for some service and adding cab headlights. I hated to loose it because Fall is when it gets used a lot. Just yesterday, neighbor Jeff and I took ten or eleven loads of twigs and pine cones and other debris that built up 6’-10’ out in the water at the end of the beach. I hauled them up back and deposited them in the woods where I put all the dang leaves. That is another thing I use the tractor for this time of year. Hopefully it will be back before I need it for that.

I continue to clean up down and dead trees around the area. As I showed you last time the wood pile is getting quite large. I added about 3/4 of a cord since then and have to say it is about as big as it needs to get. Luckily, the area where I have been getting my wood for the fire is about empty, so I will begin filling that up as I accumulate more wood. I should be able to fit a little over a cord there. I’ll empty the wood box next as it is easier to bring the wood down with the tractor and not the truck. Hopefully the tractor won’t be gone too long, time will tell.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Family Stuff

Carol here ~

Vanessa, Kailey and Jakob came over for a visit on Friday.  We had been told by up the pond neighbors that there were baby green herons on the pond.  We have only seen the two adults.  Vanessa and the kids took off in the kayaks hoping to catch a glimpse of them.

They saw no babies but they did see one of the adults.

Jakob swam by himself as no one else wanted to go in.  

The water has cooled off considerably but he didn't seem to mind.

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...