Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Busy Week

Carol here ~

I didn't think we had anything going on this week but it's turning into a fairly busy week for us.

Yesterday we went to Rangeley for a soccer game.  We're trying to get to as many of them as we can as this is the last year we have grands playing.  Rangeley won 7-0.  Grand Parker made three goals with two assists.  The team is really working well together this year.  They have another game on Thursday in Waterville that we are planning on attending.

We passed by the Height of Land on our way home as the sun was going down, gorgeous as always.

Height of Land

While in Rangeley yesterday, Erin gave us a few things that Grand Evan had forgotten when he packed up for college so we are going to meet up with him sometime tomorrow to give them to him.

Here is Grand Kailey's latest art work.  She used chalk pastels.  Amazing!

Chickadee by Kailey

What a talented young lady!

I had a rough few days after my quarterly Zometa (bone strength) infusion last week.  Hasn't hit me that hard for a while.  I did manage to get some quilting time on Lena though.  I finished 2025-15, quilting with the pattern ABUNDANT FEATHERS.


I also got 2024-16 loaded and a start on the quilting using the pattern BUTTERLY BLOSSOMS.  


Oh, almost forgot, Parker is also a Brazilian Ju Jitsu champion.  The Rangeley Highlander ran an article about him recently.  Don't think you'll be able to read it but it's a great article!

Looks like another clear and sunny day.  I'm headed to an appointment in Falmouth later this morning, hope to get out for my walk when I get back home this afternoon.  


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