Friday, September 20, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

No fire tonight though it was probably the last night possibly for this season I could have set out in shorts and a tee shirt. It was well after dark when we got back from Parker’s soccer game in Bingham. They lost 6-1, just couldn’t seem to get on track today. I think the next game is Monday, we’ll see how they do then. Time will tell.

The leaves are changing, though it seems there are few reds and more yellows and browns. The sunset coming home tonight was gorgeous. We were coming down the interstate and it seemed to go on for miles. The pink clouds and the orange sky were breathtaking. Carol obtained this as we cruised along. 

The full moon was pretty the other night and yes, I saw the eclipse, no I did not get a good picture of it. Either my smart phone isn’t smart enough to get a good picture of the moon or else I’m not smart enough to make it do so. 

I did go up to the game on Monday in Rangeley and although I just missed a good sunset at the Height of Land, I ended up with this for a picture.

The moon was either on my left or right in front of me all the way off the mountain. 

 It was an enchanting ride.

I am still puttering along cleaning up along the driveway and cutting more of the branches that hang over the road. I figure it is warmer than waiting to see how bad the winter weather is and have to clean them up in the snow and ice. I’m hearing more wet than white for this winter. Time will tell.

Still no tractor, I stopped on Monday as I went by headed to Rangeley, and was informed that it had not been looked at yet. They have had it two weeks today. I wonder when I will get it back. Time will tell.

While working on the driveway the other day I looked up and saw this guy coming at me. I managed to get this shot before he disappeared into the woods. 


 As soon as I took my eyes off him, he was gone. I hollered at him, but he didn’t react at all and just kept plodding along.

I haven’t made it back under the house yet to continue with that project but I will be getting back at it as the weather is supposed to change tomorrow. Today was the last day, at least for a while, that the temps are supposed to get much over 70ยบ. It was bound to happen but I was in no hurry for it. 

The beach is now officially huge. We desperately need rain, but not too much as that will cause the beach to get smaller as the pond level rises. I hope that it does not rise much before the pond freezes over. I hope we don’t have to deal with high water issues next spring.

The flowers are still holding on although I am slowly getting rid of a few straggly ones. The flowers in the window boxes are still looking pretty good as you can see looking from the pond at the front of the house.

In the studio I am plowing along rather nicely but will take several more days to complete this one. I am once again limiting myself to polka dot fabrics. This one has a lot of V-Block units in it and a lot of corners popped with my Corner Pop II. I have to admit I am pleased with the results, so far, but the process is very repetitious.

Enjoy the cooler weather as fall approaches and settles in around us. Stay safe and get ready to start complaining about the cold weather. Until next time.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...