Friday, March 29, 2024

Go Away Rain!

Carol here ~ 

Ugh, this rain, it doesn't quit! The water is up to the top of the bottom step on the steps to the beach. (or what should be the beach)

Probably higher this morning after yesterday's and last night's rain.

My sister's grandson, Alex, wanted to know where the beach was. I think it's going to be a while before we have one bud.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening in the studio. 

After the bloody snowstorm and the wind over the weekend the fireplace is not available to be sat by. 

It had been looking pretty good. As I said last time, I have already burnt a lot of the winter’s supply of branches and twigs. Hopefully, I won’t have too many new ones when the snow melts again. I guess that will bring us Spring 2.0, hopefully we won’t have another summer where we wait four months for it to get here then give up and have Fall.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Up in the studio. Not much new happening around here. One day is nice the next is cold and windy. At least the ice is completely gone now. I think I will hold off on going swimming though. 

The sunsets are getting pretty again with the reflections. This was from last night.

There is no beach in front of the house, water right up to the retaining wall.  Don’t have to worry too much about raking the beach yet. I do put the waders on from time to time to pull branches etc. out of the pond. I haven’t seen the float part again that Carol mentioned last time. I’m sure it’s out there somewhere. I did pull a 25’ or so tree out of the pond, it had hung up on the other end of the beach. It’s up by the splitter now waiting to be added to the wood pile. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

I Baked!

Carol here ~ 

It's my turn to bring snack to the Friday morning sewing group today. I rarely bake other than my oat flour muffins and sprouted wheat bread.  Occasionally bread or rolls for the grandkids.  So, wasn't sure what I was going to make.  I looked through a few of my old recipes and found this one of my mother's called Louise's Brownies.  I have no idea who Louise was or if my mother knew either.  Anyway, my mother made these quite often and they are pretty good ~ really sweet and chewy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening up in the studio. Hoping the house doesn’t blow over. It is unbelievably windy and has been all day. I am a little surprised there has been no issues with the power.

We have a rather large plastic storage building up against the side of the house currently full of tools and folding chairs and some other outside stuff. Let me rephrase that, we used to have a rather large plastic storage building up against the house, it is now over by the fireplace.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Good News!

Carol here ~

I had my PET scan last week and received the results at my oncology appointment on Wednesday.  

All clear, no Multiple Myeloma detected! Yay!  Also, my blood work and cancer markers all good.  

Onward I go with my chemo injections and oral meds.  

Still don't know what's causing my stomach issues, I know I have food sensitivities and allergies, maybe I need to be tested for those again as I think it was about ten years ago that I was first tested.  We'll see I guess.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening, in the studio. The way the weather has been lately I don’t think it will be long before it will be “Dan here, by the fire”. The snow, the little that we had, is disappearing fast. We are beginning to get an idea where the water’s edge is, although I’m sure that the water will rise with the coming Spring rains. All I can think of is a song from long ago with the line, “how high’s the water Papa? Six feet high and rising.” Hopefully it won’t be that bad, the lack of snow this winter has eased my mind considerably. Carol and I walked up on the ridge and there was no snow with little to be seen anywhere.

It is interesting to watch the ice and the pond as it transitions from winter to spring. With the rain over the weekend, Sunday morning the entire pond had water standing on it. A hole had developed 15’ or so from shore in front of us. When I first saw it I went out and probed with a stick and the hole went completely into the pond. 

Friday, March 1, 2024


Carol here ~

Lena Longarm and I have finished up the quilting on all 45 of Dan's 2023 quilts. Yay! We quilted #44 and #45 this week.

#44 is very spring-y looking so I found a digitized pattern called BUTTERFLY BLOSSOMS that was perfect for this quilt.

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...