Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening up in the studio. Hoping the house doesn’t blow over. It is unbelievably windy and has been all day. I am a little surprised there has been no issues with the power.

We have a rather large plastic storage building up against the side of the house currently full of tools and folding chairs and some other outside stuff. Let me rephrase that, we used to have a rather large plastic storage building up against the house, it is now over by the fireplace.

I probably won’t leave it there. Once the wind calms down I’ll have to see if there is any salvaging it. Had hired our carpenter to make one a couple years ago, I’ll have to rattle his cage. I’m really not looking for any projects.

The ice had started to show open water along the side of the pond that gets the sun. With this incredible wind the ice has been trying to move around. Much of the other end of the pond is ice free and the wind is trying to push what is left all our way. Hopefully not causing more needed projects other than disposing of the debris which is already trying to get here. The water is just about to the retention wall tonight, I would not be surprised if it made it all the way there soon. Maybe even by morning.

Quilt #8 for 2024 was completed a couple nights ago. 


The there was a lot of repetition in this one, but I guess there is in every one. As I said last time, this entire top was made from using the diamond blocks I created first to frame the block. Then the rest was made from the scrap remaining after I made the diamonds. The “enhanced” V-block I told you about last time 

I used in several places within the quilt. They were used primarily in the sashing strips in cute little rows of 8 and also within the blocks. I aligned the strips of them so that the vertical strips all pointed from bottom to top, and the horizontal strips point towards the center. 

The blocks were intended to all be aligned the same as well. Alas, as soon as I took a picture of the, thought to be completed top, I found that one was not. It took a little over an hour to dissect the naughty block and replace it after turning it 90 degrees. All better. Small blip in the overall scheme of things.

As I said earlier, hopefully we don’t blow away, so until next time stay safe and enjoy.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...