Friday, February 19, 2021

New Project

Dan here ~

Friday, the beginning of the weekend, I hope you all have a happy and safe one.

The wet winter storm the other day brought out several wet spots on the pond that looked like they were centered around the same type of holes that I talked about in an earlier post

Guess they must have froze up ok as there were two young men out there ice fishing. I actually watched as they walked up to where the holes were just days before and proceeded to jump up and down trying to break through. I don’t think I’m interested in attempting that, maybe when their age… I’ll never tell and there were no cell phones so there is no record of it.

The wet snow storm also made the camp road hill great for sledding. I’ll probably pass on that as well. I believe Saturday marks the one year anniversary of the the sledding debacle of 2020. Well I’m calling it a year at 365 days, even though it was a leap year. If anyone thinks I am cheating, let me know. Too confusing to figure out.

I have started the painting project


It is as much of a pain in the butt as I figured. Even the good frog tape did not work satisfactorily. So I will be doing what I fully expected to do anyway. Paint it freehand.

I did the bigger one that I painted on the garage door at our old Quilt Inn Rangeley garage freehand and that one I had to do standing up. When looking for a picture of the garage door, I was reminded of another quilt block I had painted.


This project shouldn't really be that bad but to be honest will probably consist of more than one bout of cussing.


Walking has been cold but doable. Found a feather in the road, wood pecker maybe? 

Also spotted a spot where the squirrels must have felt safer under the snow. 

I even caught Carol catching some rays recently.

My year to date is just over 350 miles, not bad for an old plumber.

Hopefully Rona 13 will be far enough along to begin to tell you about next time. So until then, stay happy, stay healthy, if life throws you pieces.. make a quilt.

Oh by the way, if you have been following along, we had Tuesday. The generator started.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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