Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New Project

Dan here ~

What a wonderful stretch of walking weather we have had of late. I should finish out January with over 200 miles in my Walk Bank, well on the way to my goal of 2021 miles in 2021. 

I walk the same road several times a day and that road is icy in many spots. I walk looking at the ground in front of me usually doing quilt design math in my head. Works for me, I don’t notice how far I have to go and often forget where I’ve been. Yesterday I noticed a small stone on the ground. The stone was about 2-3” in diameter. What caught my eye was that for about 3/4” all around the stone the snow had melted down to the gravel road. 


Interesting that such a small stone could absorb and re-radiate enough light energy as heat to do that. Probably something wrong with me to notice things like that but I guess that’s just the way it is.
If you have been following along you are aware I have not shown a final on the top Rona 10. I did decide on a border but, alas, I did not get it done last night so I could show it to you today. At 1:00 AM I could see that I still had a couple hours left so I will show you a picture when it is done in a future blog.

Rona 11 is mostly figured out. I’m going back to the 4-patch pile and start getting rid of some of them. 

This is probably all you will hear about Rona 11 for a while as there is quite a bit of sewing that needs to happen.


I have another project that I need to accomplish that will take a good deal of time spread out over many days. Out in the area of the fireplace there is located a square of wood about 33” on a side. It is the cover for the septic pump station. The project is to paint a top cover to mount over the existing ugly green cover.

Ugly green pump station cover

Anyone who knows me knows that when faced with problem I often will not choose the easy solution but will opt for the more complicated one. Just because. Don’t really know why, probably has something to do with proving to myself I could. 

Yes, I could put a couple coats of exterior paint on the piece of plywood and frame I had the carpenter precut for me. But no, I decided that would be too easy, so I will be painting a quilt on the plywood. 

Septic cover

I’ll take pictures on the paint project as well as Rona 11’s progression, in case anyone is interested. 

Until next time, stay happy and healthy.


  1. Dan, you are the man! I'm always impressed with your inspiring projects. Love the idea to paint a quilt on the septic cover.
    Godspeed on all your endeavors.


This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...