Monday, February 22, 2021

Oink Oink

Carol here ~

This pig cookie jar on top of my refrigerator belonged to my Mom.

Green Pond

It always sat on top of the refrigerator at our home in Auburn. It pretty much always had cookies in it ~ mostly homemade but when not, then filled with good old Oreo's. When my parents tore down the original camp and built their log cabin here at the pond it sat up on the top cupboards.

Green Pond

After doing a bit of online searching I have learned it is called the Turnabout Two Sided Mr and Mrs Country Pig Cookie Jar as one side of the cookie jar is a girl pig and the other side is a boy pig. I’m thinking it was probably given to my parents as a wedding present as it was popular in the 1950’s and my parents were married in 1952.

My great niece, Annie, was visiting the other day. I was showing her the pig and telling her about one side being a boy pig and the other side a girl pig. Dan says “What? I never knew that!” Just goes to show, you learn something new every day.

Green Pond

Green Pond

Yesterday, we made a quick visit to our daughter’s house in Readfield. Jakob, our grandson #3 (the youngest of our grands), is turning eleven years old today. We stayed just long enough to drop off his gift and eat a piece of his birthday cake.


I will be so glad when everyone has received their COVID vaccine so our visits can be longer than running in and out.

I’m still plugging away on my DOGWOOD LANE quilt. I’ve gotten all the blocks sewn into rows, next will be sewing the rows together. I don’t seem to be working too fast but that is OK, when it’s done it’s done.


What's under your needle this week?

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