Monday, November 27, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sunday evening. I trust you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving Day celebrating it however you deemed it appropriate. Carol and I went to Vanessa’s house in Readfield to be joined by Erin, her friend, Keith and Parker. Evan had to work.  Candy, Vanessa’s mother-in-law, joined the table as well. A pleasant gathering of family on the annual, let’s get together and eat holiday.

I think the leaves on the beach have been conquered. Not totally though, as long as the pond remains water and not ice, debris will continue to arrive on the beach for you know who to retrieve. 

Found an interesting new arrival as I raked up leaves, I kept finding sticks and even large segments of the alders including small trees. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


Carol here ~ 

We attended two shows over the weekend, one in Readfield and one in Rangeley.

Friday night we went to Les Miserables presented by the Maranacook Community High School.

Grand Kailey and her friends Emma and Cooper were part of the production team and Emma's brother Miles was in the show.  

It was A-MAZING!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening in the studio. Nice day today, just bloody cold. I spent most of the day inside. I had to go to the grocery store, not my favorite chore. I suppose someone has to do it. They keep moving stuff around to keep us old folks on our toes. I manage most trips to get what was on the list and try to think of a few more ideas that might work as a meal or a snack. Sometimes the idea works, sometimes it gets sampled than thrown, not usually at least. That’d good.

Carol told you last time about my struggles on the beach. After she posted that I took a picture of the tractor headed off the beach with load #41 after the three day Wednesday through Friday attack. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

This and That

Carol here ~ 

Tuesday and Wednesday's wind brought a LOT of leaves to the beach.  The oak trees are slowly letting go.  Dan has been out raking them off the beach and out of the pond about every day, trying to keep up.




Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Monday evening in the studio. I think fire season is over unless they happen earlier in the day. Too cold in the evenings. This is one old man that hates to be cold so I guess I’ll play inside. It usually nice and toasty in the studio.

Not a lot has been happening around here. Sunday night’s sunset was spectacular.

Tonight’s not so much, so I did not bother with a picture.

Friday, November 3, 2023

A Quilt-y Post

Carol here ~ 

Last week I was sitting outside stitching down bindings,

this week the heavy coats, hats and mittens came out.  Brrr!

The swim float is out of the pond, the picnic table is covered, the kayaks put away along with all the patio furniture, guess we are ready for winter.  It won't hurt my feelings any if we don't get snow for a while, though.

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...