Tuesday, November 21, 2023


Carol here ~ 

We attended two shows over the weekend, one in Readfield and one in Rangeley.

Friday night we went to Les Miserables presented by the Maranacook Community High School.

Grand Kailey and her friends Emma and Cooper were part of the production team and Emma's brother Miles was in the show.  

It was A-MAZING!
Sunday afternoon we headed to Rangeley to attend Suessical the Musical presented by daughter Erin's RLRS Middle and High School students.  Another great show.

I am definitely people-d out.

Remember a couple weeks ago Dan's brother Greg stopped by and we gifted three quilts for him to take to his family?  

Here they are with their chosen quilts.

Katelyn and Izzy on the left with 2023-17 and Elise on the right with 2023-18.

Here is their mom, Lori, with her 2023-20.

Love, love this pic! Lori lives on Tripp Pond which is very close to us.

I have been puttering on the Christmas stockings I have been making.  Both tops are pieced, cut out and I am ready to put them together later today.

Here they are before cutting out the stocking shape.

We are headed to Vanessa and Lucas' on Thursday for Thanksgiving.  There will be eleven of us including Lucas' mom Candy.  

I made a batch of applesauce yesterday.  I am making yeast rolls today and probably tomorrow too so there are plenty left over for the grands as they love their rolls!

I also need to get out for a walk today as I wimped out yesterday.  

Dan thinks his beach raking days are about over as the beach is frozen and it looks like we might have some snow arriving tomorrow.  Don't think he's too sad about it.

Drive safe if you have to be on the road this weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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This and That

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