Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Weekend Retreat

Carol here ~

This past weekend I attended a Virtual Quilt Retreat with Michelle Hiatt and Lynn Wheatley. My back was tolerable as long as I kept icing it. I have two large ice packs so kept switching them out throughout the weekend. (gives a whole new meaning to the word “numbass”). 😉

I was working on the project LIBERTY COURT and managed to get this much done and up on the design wall.  The dragonfly fabric will be my border ~ love, love it!

Liberty Court

I still have nine of the small Liberty Lemoyne stars to construct then will be able to sew the wallhanging together.

Here we are at morning coffee.

Getting instruction from Lynn..

It was great to “see” some familiar faces and “meet” a couple new ones. Both Michelle and Lynn are now starting to have “in person” retreats and classes. Both of these ladies are excellent instructors and a lot of fun.

Check out Michelle’s webpage here.

Check out Lynn’s webpage here.

Remember a while back I quilted my friend Martha’s quilt? Here it is on her bed. It's beautiful!

Yesterday, I managed to get started loading Kim’s quilt on Lena Longarm. Should be able to finish loading today and get a start on the stitching.  

It is raining here this morning, helping the leaves to pop. Slowly starting to see more green around the pond.  Love this time of year ~ the birds, the peepers, the bullfrogs! (the black flies)  Always some type of melody happening.

Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. My son says Black Flies are Maine's state bird!
    Love the update on the virtual retreat. Your fabric selections are fabulous. Continue healing and gaining mobility. Enjoy life.


Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ Thursday evening. It was a nice calm day today. I managed to burn off some of the wood I have been pulling off the pond. Unfor...