Monday, March 29, 2021

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Good Morning, spring continues to slowly encompass us. Thankfully, there seem to be more days of warmth than the cold days of winter. Granted the cold is not behind us, but the warmer days bring hope.

Walking continues, last Thursday brought my total to just over 600 miles for 2021.

I continue to see when it will seem to be just too time consuming as my days sometimes appear to be totally taken up by my walks.

The squirrels appeared to be confused the other day when the town graded the road. I saw one look at me with arms raised and appeared to be asking where did all my nuts go? But it was no time before they were back harvesting the bounty of acorns from the road.

Today on my walk I saw what appeared to be canine track racing down the camp road. 

I wondered if it was coyote chasing deer down the road. Then I see a bike rider come over the rise and see that she is being pulled by two dogs as she flies along behind on her fat tire bike. I watched as she went by and cursed my bad timing at not getting a picture as she cruised along into the distance. After a while I see her coming along again, with a different set of dogs this trip. This time I was with it enough to remember to get a picture. 

She came by several times with at least three sets of dogs. Was interesting to see go by, proving that about anything comes along eventually if you wait long enough for it.

As we walked along the ridge, we noticed a beaver or muskrat house down on the brook that appears to have had some repairs done recently. It appears some new roofing was in order. I wonder how many times the missus had to ask before it got done.

Winter Brook

Latest quilt design is coming along nicely. It still has a long way to go, hopefully this week will see some of it coming together. The colors of this one are certainly different than those I have been using recently. I guess I’ll wait and share all about it when I get it done. I haven’t figured out which way you all like it to hear it. Telling you all as it takes shape, or when it is all complete. Lacking direction you’ll hear about this one when complete.

Enjoy your week, we are looking forward to shot 2 of the vaccine on Wednesday of this week. NOT. We’ll see how that goes.

Remember, where ever you go, there you are, if I’m supposed to meet you there and you get there first, draw a blue line where we planned to meet. If I get there first, I’ll rub it out.

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