Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Featherweights

Carol here ~

We have two Singer 221 Featherweight sewing machines.

The black one is a limited edition anniversary model made in 1951 to celebrate Singer's hundredth year.  The emblem is inscribed "A Century of Sewing Service 1851-1951.  Of the 1, 950,000 221's made only 12% were this model.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening, I guess it’s Thursday evening since Carol just informed me Friday is tomorrow. So here I am rambling away, Carol skipped you, she said that nothing had happened. So I’ll ramble a few minutes and then go sew.

I tell you sewing beats what I was doing all day. I have been proceeding on my crawl space project and having just about as much fun as any old man can have. I don’t think it beats cutting up wood, but it’s right up there. I have now placed 6 mil plastic over the majority of the crawl space floor, what’s left I will finish tomorrow. I have spread about three +/- yards of stone underneath, both above and below the plastic. I can sense a big difference in the air quality under there. I have always contended that the crawl space is why I take allergy meds daily. I never did until I moved here. Here are a couple pics of the process. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond. 

I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for my fire pit. It has taken almost all summer, I now have it and put it in place as soon as I got it home. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Carol here ~

We went to a soccer game in Rangeley yesterday.  Heard the foliage was just about at peak so we left early enough for a few stops on the way.

It was a pretty ride up and yes, I would say it's peak leaf peeping time.  We took a few photos but you just don't get the color using your iphone camera.

Here are a few we took for you to enjoy.

Height of Land

Friday, September 27, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday. I think today will pass as a rainy day. I was going to Rangeley for the soccer game but it was cancelled because of the rain. 

I am writing this in the AM as I have finally managed to make an appointment to change the battery on my ever expanding laptop. Everything still works fine but the battery is out gassing causing the case to swell. The Man is going to swap out the battery and test to be sure it is charging correctly. I don’t know if I will get back today or not. Hence, I’m writing this now. 

After a few trips to The Man I now have my laptop back with a new battery. Amazing, not as hot and seems to work much better.

Yesterday and the day before I worked on getting the tree out of the water that fell in during one of last years storms. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Happy Fall!

Carol here ~

We are starting to see some color around the area.  Saw these red leaves on my walk the other day.

Also on my walk the other day, I saw a critter streak across the road up ahead of me.  It was low to the ground and brownish in color with a long tail.  I was telling Dan what it looked like and he thought it might of been a Fisher.  I went to the Google for verification and that's what it was.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

No fire tonight though it was probably the last night possibly for this season I could have set out in shorts and a tee shirt. It was well after dark when we got back from Parker’s soccer game in Bingham. They lost 6-1, just couldn’t seem to get on track today. I think the next game is Monday, we’ll see how they do then. Time will tell.

The leaves are changing, though it seems there are few reds and more yellows and browns. The sunset coming home tonight was gorgeous. We were coming down the interstate and it seemed to go on for miles. The pink clouds and the orange sky were breathtaking. Carol obtained this as we cruised along. 

The Featherweights

Carol here ~ We have two Singer 221 Featherweight sewing machines. The black one is a limited edition anniversary model made in 1951 to cele...