Friday, May 24, 2024


Carol here ~

Gross pollen season has arrived.  Of course it has, I spent the first part of the week washing windows.  Oh well, we had a couple of clear glass days.

We got the swim float out the other day, I was going to go out in the kayak to scrub it up a bit but guess I might as well wait til after the pollen is gone.
The water is going down, the bottom step to the beach is now out of the water.  Yay!

The water has also warmed up a lot this week.  Last weekend getting into the kayak was as fast a process as possible because the water was too cold to stand in.  This week it actually feels good to wade along the front of the retaining wall to get to the kayaks.

Wednesday night we went to Humanities Night at Marancook High School featuring a Student Art Show and Live Performances from the MCHS Ensembles.  It was fabulous.

Grand Kailey had artwork displayed and is a member of the jazz band playing the bass guitar in which she was a soloist in one of their performances. 


I am working on the binding of quilt #44, haven't had any patio binding happening yet because of the black flies and now the pollen.

Construction has been happening all week at neighbor Jeff's place, inside and out.  His relative/friend Ben has been helping him, they have put in some long hours this week. It's looking good!

Nice weather predicted for the next few days, hope you can get out and enjoy it!

Sunset 5/23/24

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