Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~

From the studio, been here most of the day. It has been a wet, and rainy day. A good studio day. No sunset tonight foggy and wet. 

I finished quilt #13 for 2024 yesterday so today was time for some past due clean up and time to decide what will be the plan for #14. The plan was formulated during cleanup and is currently in progress. Lots more 4 patches with something a little different.

#13 for 2024 followed the main premise of #12. The main difference was the addition of 5 V-block star blocks playing hide and seek. I helped them hide by not having a single color center V. I used my Corner Pop II and popped the center out of the same 4 patch I used in the inner border. 

 I thought it was an interesting effect. 


We are slowly getting a beach, couple more weeks and maybe the kayaks can be parked out front instead of over at the neighbors. 

The hummingbirds have been checking out my flowers. There have also been a lot of butterflies flitting around. I did manage to get a picture of this one on the lilacs. 

Speaking of the lilacs, they are about gone by already. They don’t last anyway near long enough. They sure smell nice while they are here.

Not much else hope you enjoyed your weekend. Stay safe until next time.

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Dan's Ramblings

 Dan here ~ Was out by the fire as it was a very nice evening. I had my doubts but the wind calmed down quite nicely.  I find it very hard ...