Friday, September 29, 2023

Road Trip and a Visit

Carol here ~ 

On Wednesday we headed on a road trip we had planned on going on over the summer on the trike but the weather never cooperated. So we went by car even though it was a nice enough day to go on the trike.  Unfortunately, Dan can't handle the clutch since his finger injury.

We went to Perkins Cove in Oqunquit.

Dan was always told that Perkins Cove was named after his family.  Great Grandfather Jedidiah Moses Perkins was the first Perkins that didn't go to sea and fish for a living.  He traveled to Boston via train as a bricklayer, coming home on weekends.  

Dan remembers trips down to the cove taking his grandparents down to visit his grandfather's sister, Nora.

The Perkins family owned quite a bit of shore property (probably in Great Great Grandfathers time) and let it all go to the town for back taxes as it was considered worthless land.  If he could see the mansions there now!  

We walked along Marginal Way and enjoyed the ocean views.

Went into a couple of shops (got myself a new sweatshirt) and had lunch looking over the cove.  It was a good day!

Yesterday, I visited up the pond neighbor Ginny.  Ginny, her late husband Henry, and my parents were really good friends.  They had many adventures together over the years.

And many card games of Old Hell and Sixty-three. Card games were just about a nightly occurrence here at the pond.  Both my mom and Ginny were also avid cribbage players.  They kept track of winners/losers though out the summer with the loser taking the winner to lunch at the end of the season.

We had a great visit catching up on family etc.  Ginny is also a sewer, attends the Friday open sew at Oxford Mill End Store and makes tote bags for cancer patients.

I'm loving these fall days, there wasn't a ripple on the pond all day yesterday.  

Have a great weekend!

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