Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Tuesday evening. What a lovely day, especially if you like unbearably hot. I thought about going swimming but the thought was short lived and not acted upon. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe not. Time will tell.

It is a beautiful evening here by the fire on the shore of the pond. Tonight’s money shot. 

My shots up the pond are becoming almost as numerous as the Height of Land shots I’ve taken over past years.

Today was interesting, at least to my way of thinking. I had made an appointment to have Carol’s car serviced in Auburn. Shortly after I left home, I reached the culvert where Winter Brook enters into Hogan Pond. Hogan pond is on the other side of the line of trees at the other end of Green Pond. The trees also make up the background for all of my up the pond pictures. 

 When I reached the culvert I saw a mud turtle in the middle of the road. Well that ain’t gonna work. 

I pulled over and picked up the little guy and put him back into Winter Brook. I don’t know if he’s still cussing me out or not. For all I know he had spent all morning getting up out of the brook and was heading for Hogan Pond instead. Oh well, hopefully he’s not flat like his friend I also found in the road. 

I continue on towards Auburn and see another turtle on the Old Hotel Rd. Also in danger of being squished. I turn around and go back and rescue this latest turtle.

Once I get him in the car and take his picture one of the voices in my head begins to get me thinking. Where I am going to relocate this little guy in the time allowed. I look at the clock and see I have twenty minutes until my appointment. Anyone who knows me, knows that arriving on time is, in my eyes, arriving late. Being late is too horrendous to even think about. 

Anyway back to the turtle. I have friends and there are lots of camps off the Cove Rd. So off I go. I pull up at a friends camp and see there is no-one there. I head for the water and see someone sitting at the camp next door. I startle her and after apologizing I awkwardly I ask if it’s ok if I put this road rescued turtle in Taylor pond. She says “of course… Dan?"

Turns out she is an old childhood friend I had reconnected with through the quilt world. She had been to the shop a few times. We chatted and she showed me her “pride and joy” quilt. I thanked her and hurried off to make my appointment. My arrival time would be very close due to construction but having grown up in the area I skirted around it and made the appointment with about three minutes to spare. I saw another flat turtle after the second rescue, over on Summer St. no where near any water. I guess today was just moving day. I hope most made it.

With the weather nice, keeping my woodbox full becomes difficult. I will need to bring more down tomorrow. Might be too hot, then there’s always the next day. I suppose one answer to the disappearing wood is to stop having the fires. We all know that ain’t going to happen. At least not until it has to.

My latest quilt top is complete up to the borders. There is going to be two borders on this one. No reason, just because. The two long sides of the first border are on, so six more strips need to be added. If I can finish tonight or tomorrow then this top took two months to assemble. If I say it that way it sounds like I spent a lot of hours making this top. While it is true there are a lot of pieces in it, I also created enough blocks, mostly made up of squares and some split rect units, so I can quickly start another top. I will easily be able to lay out another top and get right to work on sashing strips and corner stones. I won’t be two months on the next one. I promise. The reveal will have to be the next time I ramble at you. I hope you can handle the anticipation. Here is a teaser. 

My solar lights and lantern continue to glow quite nicely. I especially like my lanterns. Last night I turned off the big light in front of the garage and saw the very cool display under the one in front of the woodbox. The area under the light is crushed stone and gave this real cool display. 

Enjoy this warm stretch of weather, hopefully it evaporates some of the pond and increases the size of the beach. I won’t hold my breath but I can hope.

Until next time be safe and enjoy what life throws at you. 

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