Friday, July 14, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

By the fire. A nice calm evening. It did not even rain today. Amazing is this two days in a row. Quiet though, day is not over yet. It is cloudy off to the west but not ominous. 

Today was a rather nice day. Got very little done but that’s ok. That just gives me more to maybe do tomorrow. I don’t really plan my days, they are much like my quilts, they just kind of happen. 

Today I cleaned out the back of my truck to see if I could make it a little dryer. There are two drain hoses to drain the basin under the roll top cover on my pickup. Maybe Ford thought it was a good idea, I’m thinking not so much. I replaced the piece of hose with a kink in it with a heavier duty hose and we'll see what happens.

My planters are growing slowly, hopefully they will get there. 

The lilies were pretty while they lasted.

It seems they went away rather quickly this season. My big lily that is taller than I am is looking great, I’m real anxious to see what it puts on for a display. 

I’m sure it will be spectacular. Hey, I spelt that correctly, I’m always surprised when the MacBook accepts what I typed as correct. I’ve typed several options trying to use a word only to keep getting signals that what I typed was wrong….. but it’s got nothing for a suggestion of what you were trying to type. I must confess I am a look at the keyboard and hunt and peck kind of guy. I never learned to type like Carol does, looking at the screen letting the fingers move by muscle memory. I guess I do other things by muscle memory.

Quilt #26 has been passed forward and as soon as it has been gifted then we will show you what I came up with. Number 27 for 2023 top is complete. I found several orphan blocks that I could trim to 9” finished. I trimmed them even though I lost the perimeter points. The blocks were not square so it was a choice of trim and use or toss. I hate to toss even small pieces of fabric so I figured I could live without those points. I’m satisfied with the results. The alternate block just used up more 3” finished 4-patch blocks from the scrap bins. 


As I try to come up with the #28 top I continue to “clean” up scraps that arrive from each project. I had trimmed a bunch of cut-off triangles and sewn them into Split Rect 
1/2-rectangles,  destined to be 1-1/2 x 3" finished units. When I found some rectangles just the right size, I began mating them together to get some interesting 3” finished blocks.  Don’t know exactly where they will appear in a quilt top but I’m sure that some sort of magic will happen.

I think we have some lousy weather coming at us but who knows. I have almost stopped looking at the weather. It seems they are wrong more than not.

Enjoy whatever you get, I’ll try, hopefully the weekend isn’t a washout. Stay safe.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...