Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Carol here ~

It was so nice to see blue sky and sunshine yesterday morning, sure improves my mood.  All that rain was getting to me, don't like not getting my walks in.

After supper last night we headed out for a kayak ride.  A loon came up right in front of me and just sat there for a bit, almost like he was posing for me.

Later in the evening there were a pair of them out front.  So cool to see them.  They are not always here on our pond, probably spend time on all the ponds in the area.

Last Friday Dan, daughter Vanessa and I went to Rangeley to the annual Diva Show. Diva is a carbaret-style evening of music and dance.  Performers choose a singer, dress like them and perform their music.  Daughter Erin has been participating since 2007, first as a performer and then as the director and performer.  This year's theme was "A Love Story," all songs about love.  Another great show!

Meet Ali Gator

As you can see he is kinda flat and not happy looking at all.

Grandson Evan has had Ali since he was a wee boy.  He always used him as a pillow.  I guess Ali got put in the closet for a while and was recently found again so Evan asked if I could re-stuff him.

I had to slit his belly to get the old stuffing out (gross) and new in.

Sewed him back up

And he's good for another few years.

Evan and Ali

Not the first stuffed critter I've had to do surgery on.

Suppose to be another decent day today, hope you are able to get out and enjoy!

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...