Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Tuesday evening.  I hope you are staying dry.  It sure has rained a lot, the pond has risen 4 to 5 feet horizontally.   It is pouring now as I write this.  No I’m not outside, I hear it on the roof above me.  Rain is about all I see in the forecast.  Oh well, not much I can do about it.

We had not seen any fish around shore earlier but they are there now.  Carol caught me fishing.

Speaking about that of which I have no say about ~ along the side of the pond behind us there used to be a camping area.  Carol and I were never really around much during the many years that it was in operation.  It went out of business just before we moved on to “our” pond.  The camping area is being reopened and the first two of the "glamping" cabins were placed along the banking today. I honestly can hardly see them from our house.  Time will tell how much we hear people, and see them, after they turn on some lights.  I’m sure there are many more cabins to come.

I finished the baby quilt that I was making for Erin’s friends.  You’ll probably see it at a later date.

While I was designing the baby quilt I played with parts and pieces from my bins and came up with a bunch of 7-1/2” finished blocks.  I had no real plan in mind as I made them, I was just using up parts and scraps.  I used the 12 Square-in-Square I made the wrong size on an earlier top, so it all worked out. 


I am placing the blocks on point and I honestly had an awkward time assembling the top.  I was working on so many different parts at the same time that after sewing and pressing, it then became a jig-saw puzzle.  I think I sewed them right, now where do they go.  Usually I figured it out, only had a few visits with Jack the ripper, and we were good to go.  Most of the top is together but don’t know if I’ll get it done tonight or not.  I’ll add here if I do, probably you won’t see until next time I ramble.

The eagles have been around a lot lately.  Carol saw one in the trees early this morning and it became the joke all day long.  “Hey Carol, it’s still up there”.  The joke went on until it was too dark to tell anymore.  I often wonder what they do as they sit there in one place all day long.  I did see it dive into the water after something once.  It caught nothing and returned back to the tree branch.  The crows harassed it a few times but the eagle just ignored them.  I don’t dare to sit and stare off into space too long or else Carol might come along and poke me to see if I’m still alive.  

It’s funny how time changed things. Twenty years ago I seldom sat still for 5 minutes at a time, now I’m perfectly content to just sit and stare at the fire all evening long. Time changes perspectives. The thought process of a project now requires a nap, not just the execution of the project.  In fact on some projects the thought process is all that is required to satisfy the need for accomplishment for the day.  The project can wait until another day.

Enjoy the rest of your week, stay dry, I’ll try, it might be difficult though.  Hopefully nothing washes away on our driveway, so far it is holding up fine.  A lot of area roads around here have washed out so be careful. 

Until next time.

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