Monday, February 27, 2023

The Weekend

Carol here ~ 

Daugher Vanessa and grands Kailey and Jakob come over for a visit on Friday.  It was wicked cold and windy but we managed to get outside for a while.  We snowshoed on Mud Pond

and the kids went sledding.

It wasn't too cold as long as we kept moving but we all sure had rosy checks by the time we went in!

Saturday and Sunday Lena and I worked on Dan's 2023-13, the quilt for our son-in-law, Lucas.  

Got it quilted, as Lena was stitching I was turning the binding on 2023-8.

Finished that up too.

I dropped a bobbin under Lena and had to move a couple of the plastic storage bins to find it.  Lots of dust bunnies under there so I think today might be the day to haul everything out from under her and do some cleaning.  Sounds like a good plan but we'll see if it actually happens!

Another cold morning, stay warm everyone!

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