Friday, December 9, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening. Sitting here wondering where the time goes. Since my surgery I do a lot of sitting around or taking a nap. I’ve gotten quite adapt in the nap department. Sadly, sometimes the nap wins out over going up to the studio to sew. Solitaire is a popular pastime as well. 

I have been managing my 5000 steps around the house, at least no more days of accomplishing the process in 3-5 minute segments before I need to sit for a while. That said, remember, I live in a very small house. I have surpassed the 2022 mile marker but it just doesn’t seem like that big a deal anymore. I won’t set out to aim for 2023 miles for next year. I only hope something comes along more interesting to fill those non walking hours. If I remember right, that was what started the walking.

The carpenters have accomplished most of the shed construction process. The door is in, the trim is done.

The roof is on along with a great deal of the siding. 

Friday should finish it up. 

Mike also brought me a new board for my ironing station/trimming area.  

Gives me space for a larger wool pressing pad and separate space for the iron. I think I’m going to like it. You guessed it, time will tell.

The commission piece is moving along nicely. Can’t wait to get it done. Thereby, getting Carol as much time as possible for her magic before our deadline arrives.

I have designed the back for the quilt I’m calling Mine. I just did not have the heart to have a one piece backing for it. Carol didn’t want me to get too overboard regarding the number of pieces on the back. So I designed this 44-inch square pieced section that will float on the grey background. 

Three colors, the yellow, the blue and the grey from the other side. It is going to be a struggle to work with such large pieces but I will battle through it. The design is called Dad’s Doodle. 

If you were to give my father a pad of paper and a pencil the odds were good that he would draw a doodle looking much like this. The doodle would have had a rounder look to it, but still achieving the same effect. So I will add Dad’s Doodle to the back of Mine making it even more mine.

Enjoy your weekend, no snow in sight, which is fine by me. I’m not up to shoveling strength yet. Soon I hope, real soon.

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