Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Weekend

Carol here ~ 

When we were quilt shop owners we hosted Fall Quilt Camps for eighteen years.  We closed the shop, retired and passed on this event to our good friend Michelle Hiatt of Sew On The Go.

This past weekend was Quilt Camp Weekend so we went to Rangeley for a visit.  It was fun to see everyone and check out the projects they were working on.

The event is held at the Rangeley Inn. Here are a few pics I took.

We were there for the group photo, taken on the shore of Haley Pond.

We visited for a couple of hours, met up with daughter Erin and grand Parker for an early supper then headed home, hitting the Height of Land at just the right time to take pleasure in a most gorgeous sunset.

Twas a good day.

The kayaks are put away for the winter.  I managed to get one last paddle in on Sunday.  Yes, my boots are on as the water is COLD!

We also got the beach raked of leaves on Sunday.  This is what I saw when I looked out the window yesterday morning.  Sigh.

So, guess what we did yesterday?

Cleared again.  But look at all the oak leaves still on the trees waiting to fall and head for the beach.  We'll be raking them up until it snows or the pond freezes over.  

Guess you'll know where to find us.  If you're coming for a visit BYOR.  (bring your own rake) HA!

Have a great Wednesday!

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