Friday, September 30, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Thursday evening, not much happening here on the pond of late but that is about to change. Tonight they are saying frost. Were I still “farming” in Rangeley I would be looking at a freeze tonight. 

Well today I began the process of cutting the window boxes back and dumping them out. I used to consider that if I did it just before frost, than I won not Mother Nature. I only did the saddest looking ones. I did cover up one plant out back just to see if it made a difference. I mainly was covering a tomato plant that had arisen as a weed. 

It is the kind I could not get this spring. They are little tiny tomatoes, about the size of your fingernail. Really, really sweet. I even liked them. I’m trying to keep it alive to see if I can get a couple ripe tomatoes to save the seeds and try my luck next year. I know back with the greenhouse that would have been no problem but now? Time will tell.

My tractor has been ordered and now I wait. I was told the first of the week….. tomorrow is Friday. Reason I did not get all the flower boxes taken care of is because I have to stop too damn many times to wheel that many trips all the way up the hill. Getting older sucks. Fall projects was a main reason I decided to make the investment. A rather large investment, in something I really don’t need, that will hopefully make my life easier. Not so much, if it doesn’t get here before all those fall chores are complete.

Speaking of fall, I saw this on my walk. 

Poor thing, it knew it was supposed to change color but it couldn’t decide what color to be.

Saw this as well, goes to show what happens when you let your other half have the best of everything or they take it. 

I have run out of one of my fabrics in the current quilt. Not a big deal, I had a substitute already in mind. Tonight I realized that my problem will be the background that I am using. 

It is an Allison Glass very light blue on blue. I can not make the design that I had been kinda heading towards. I may need to head to storage to see if there is anything there that is real light blue that maybe could work. The visual will be totally different. I’m going to have to play with some different fabrics once I see what storage tosses into the mix.

I also found another baggie of half square triangles from a project from long ago. I have no idea what these were left over from but there a lot of them. 

So I can see a design/ fabric change is inevitable. It’s what happens when you play with scraps. Sometimes it’s frustrating because once substitutions need to be made you never get to see what the original concept would have looked like. 

Did I ever mention I prefer not using a pattern, too structured? Like I said a long time ago, “it is, what it is.” I’ve tried to find fabric on the internet to continue before and then I was able to complete as I had planned. But, in honesty, that seems like it is cheating. I’m trying to use up the hundreds / thousands of yards of fabric I already have. I mean lets get remotely serious, I don’t need the quilt I am making, I certainly don’t need to buy fabric to make it.

Well, if the weather kills all my plants then I’ll have more than enough to do tomorrow. All that cleanup will need to be accomplished. Then I can sit back and wait until the leaves fall and my daily beach raking can begin (come on tractor).

Hopefully it will warm up for a while as I don’t think I’m ready for 40 degree walking weather yet. 

Oh well, enjoy your weekend, I’ll try. Till next time, wherever you go, there you are, wherever I go I’ll be there also.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...