Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

The weather of fall has arrived, cold, wet and rainy. Today, Tuesday, was quite chilly. 

I picked the last of the tomatoes and cut down and removed the carcasses along with storing the tubs they were growing in. I stripped down the first and picked up the metal tub and took care of it. I then proceeded with the other one. I found myself pulling and struggling to even get the tub off the ground to say nothing of lifting it into the wheelbarrow. I know I have lost a great deal of my strength but come on, this container is about the same size as the one I already took care of. Finally I managed to get one side off the ground and get my hand underneath and found a 1/2” taproot going into the crushed rock below the tub and extending about a foot and a half into the ground below. No wonder it was growing so good. 

Yes. my walking progress did exceed 1600 miles last Friday. With a little luck I may break 1650 this week. I am beginning to be kinda glad I am getting done. As I said before, I will not be doing it again. I’ll still walk but not obsessively. I’m sure I’ll find something to do.

I am still plugging away with the guitar, not necessarily getting any better but getting more comfortable just picking away. My grandson thinks I should practice more. He’s probably right. Usually I sew instead.

Speaking of sewing I am still using up my 1-1/2” squares and the “found” 1-1/2’ half square triangles. The squares (and some half squares) have been turned into 3” finished 16 patch units and some 36 patch units. I am almost done with those. I accumulated a couple small bins of them. When I finish the rest I have started I will set them aside for a bit. Why you ask? Because I have not thought up a good idea of how to use them all. Yet. There are a lot in a couple different styles. For example are they two color or four color or scrappy. I have an idea different things will be done with the different types.

What I will be working with are the 1-1/2” finished half squares I found. All are red on one side and a light to med tan on the other. I have assembled quite a pile of them as pinwheels. All the same direction. I have come up with an idea for them or; at least enough of an idea to get started assembling some blocks. The first block created begins to give an idea of the pattern I will be heading for. 

But you know me, is there an alternate block? What about sashing? Well that will have to wait for another time.

Remember this spring I talked about a beaver dam the was being built on the brook beside our walking path. The other day I think I got the answer to a question I had been asking myself ~ is the dam still there? Well I think it is. Here is a picture of the culvert exiting the brook into Hogan Pond. 

I’d say the dam created on the brook at the culvert is bringing the water up at least 20 inches. I’m thinking that the beavers figured out that they’re getting low now because the dam up the brook further (the one built this spring) is creating a hardship on the beavers down stream. Ingenious little guys aren’t they.

I’m hoping I can figure out an answer to my problems easily.  Hopefully you can as well.  Enjoy the rest of your week, I'll try.  Stay safe. 


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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...