Monday, September 26, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

Sunday evening, set out by the fire tonight in the rain under the umbrella.

Was pretty earlier before it clouded over completely. 

Was a nice evening otherwise, not that cold at least by the fire. Carol stayed inside, not as hard core a fire sitter as I am. (actually she thinks I’m crazy) Raining harder now, I am inside and I can hear it on the roof it is pouring now, it will put the fire out. Glad I am inside now. Oops, just had to run outside and get my pillow and cushion I sit on in an attempt to make the chairs by the fire remotely comfortable. They are a little wet but only on one side. Kinda like a flat tire, only flat one side.

With the winds from Fiona I thought that our window boxes along the retaining wall would be totally destroyed. I had clumped them together but with 18-22 mph winds there is only so much I could do. I lost one, but being the end of September the frost could get them anytime. The long range forecast looks favorable, but who knows. They don’t look too bad, I did do a little pruning. 

I am still making more of the block I showed you last time. 

I am still waiting to see what I run out of first. It will either be the gray polkadot or the pinwheels. Hopefully, there will be enough of the gray to go with all the pinwheels but only time will tell. I honestly doubt it, but as they say “when it’s gone it’s gone”. Hopefully I can show you where I’m heading with this next time. Maybe I’ll have a clue by then.

Sounds like I came from the fire just in time, major pouring out now and thunder. I stayed dry though (well except when I went out to get my pillow). Nice evening spent in the fresh air.

Do you realize that this week will kill off September? I find this very hard to deal with. I realize that having spent my whole life (so far) in Maine, one would think that I would remember that October means “oh crap, winter is coming”. Things need to be put away and projects completed.

I am still trying to get storage on the property here instead of paying to store things at a storage facility elsewhere. So, fall projects are in my future. I only wish my carpenter was available so I did not have to do it myself. Storage facilities will still be in my immediate future and I understand that the atmospherically controlled facility that we use where our fabric and other things that we don’t want freezing or prone to rodent issues may end up being around awhile longer. Still we are paying to store things, many things we will never use and will end up throwing away. I say this from past experience. Last time when I cleaned out a storage facility that we had been paying rent on for several years I found that much of what I was hauling to the dump I now had to pay to dispose of. Word of advice, storage facilities are a short term solution to stave off deciding how to get rid of lots of crap. That said, I need to build some storage here and not off sight. That is what I will be working on as we get ready for winter.

Do you have things to do to get ready for cold weather? I am kinda glad I don’t have a lot of wood to get ready for heat. I remember the 10 to 12 cord I used to burn in my greenhouse in Rangeley and wonder how I ever did it. A lot of work and truth be told, I loved every minute of it. I only miss it a little bit. I have enough fun playing with the wood for my fire pit.

Whatever you need to get done, be safe and remember to have fun doing it.

Enjoy your week and remember you never know when your time will be up so tell your friends and family you love them while you can. (unless you don’t, then don’t say anything.) Until next time, I love you, be safe.

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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...