Monday, July 25, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

It was a very hot weekend. Sunday evening’s sunset 

More hot weather is in the forecast for the upcoming week. 

For Carol and I it will be a busy week. Today we will finish “cleaning” up the quilts for the upcoming exhibit at Maine Quilts in Augusta. Cleaning means going over closely and removing errant threads and short attached threads. Scrap quilts have a lot of threads attached during the process. Because they are scraps they are seldom cut on the straight of the grain but were merely cut to get the correct size and shape. It’s scrap, no worries. Next will be folding them up and putting them in large ziplock bags for transport to Augusta. 

On Wednesday we will be going to Augusta to hang the 20 quilts for our exhibit and getting ready to hopefully entertain those of you who stop in to see our creations. Remember, the exhibit IS NOT open for the Champagne Preview on Wednesday evening. The exhibit will open when the show opens Thursday - Saturday from 9 - 5. Quilts, venders and a pieceful time for all.

I have no further updates regarding Bob. He is still missing and presumed drowned or kidnapped. Read about Bob here and here

I have a new someone in my life. He was given to me by my daughter, Vanessa. It is one of those tennis racket type, hand held bug zappers. 

It works rather well. Battery life could be an issue on my long walks but I came up with a modification to overcome that. 

I connected a battery stick to the racket with elastic bands. I think the next issue with it may be the on/off switch not always working as desired. I mean face it, I’m sure I look stupid waving the racket around my head at the horseflies as I walk along the road. But I feel even dumber when I look at the “working light” only to find that it wasn’t even on as I waved it around. Oh, by the way, the racket ended up with the name Frank from one of my favorite musicians. You guessed it, Frank Zappa, hence Frank Zappet.

My new hybrid lily I obtained from my daughter, Vanessa, is blessing us with beautiful flowers. So many they seem crowded. It’s too bad they last such a short time. 

My hybrid lily, a gift from a Rangeley friend, has started to open its blossoms. 

There are even more than last year. There is also a new offshoot from it as there is another stem and two buds just like the others. 

I love the Lillies but they last such a short time. That said, I will probably add more bulbs for another year rather than buying potted, pushed bulbs in the spring. We’ll see how that goes. Never tried so could not tell you how that will work out. It’s fun to try something new.

I am still plugging away on the guitar. My fingers can now handle playing for longer periods of time. Now I need to land on the “right for me” videos to practice by, or along with. New process for me. Kinda fun, but know the time dedication is questionably there. I will keep picking it up and plucking along. As long as it’s fun.

Current quilting project is time being spent using up a bin of 1-1/2 cut squares. I am making four patch units. Trimming them to 1-1/2” finished units. When I have four the same I am making this 3” finished block. 

When I deplete that scenario, I will move on to two four patch the same matched with two four patch the same of something else. 

I haven’t decided what the next variation will be. I still have four patch units that fit the above two scenarios so I have not asked my brain to work on that yet. Enjoy what you are doing, then move on from there.

Enjoy this upcoming hot week, stop in if you make it to Augusta, hope to see you there.


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Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~ A nice calm Thursday evening out by the fire. Tonight’s view up the pond.  I finally was able to buy the steel that I wanted for ...