Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

The weather is still riding the roller coaster but seems like warmer low temperatures are headed our way. This was my view out the studio window last night. 

After tomorrow I no longer see 40’s in the low temp forecast. This means planting time. Not that the prospect will take a lot of time at this stage of my life.

In my past life planting and transplanting took about 6 weeks to accomplish. Probably won’t take me more than a day or two to complete the process now. I’ll plant a few window boxes and containers and that’s it. Then I’ll just need to water them to keep them happy.

The latest scrap donation quilt is complete. Or at least the top is. I decided to grab a stack of 6” finished orphan blocks and see what I could get for a layout. These were left over blocks from quilts or were remade blocks as I went through bins of scraps “cleaning”, or else were just scrap 6” blocks that were made with the intention to do just this. 

I like how it turned out and hope someone is comforted by snuggling up in it. 

As many of you know I am a bit eccentric. Last summer we found a ball, like a soccer ball, floating in the pond. I would look for it and throw it back into the pond. I called it “Wilson” like in the movie “Castaway”. Lost it long before the season ended and forgot all about it. This spring I found Wilson hung up in what would have been weeds last season. I rescued him and threw him back into the pond and have been doing so whenever we go around the pond in the kayaks. I gave him a first name this season because who likes to be called by their last name all the time. He is now Bob Wilson, he does like to bob around out there so it seemed appropriate at least. I might write on him so others around the pond will know to let him go so he can be the Bob he wants to be.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

1 comment:

This and That

Carol here ~  What a change in the weather temperature!  I have definitely had too many clothes on the last two days on my walks.  It was al...