Friday, July 1, 2022

Dan's Ramblings

Dan here ~

The weather is normal, meaning that it is all over the place. There have been a couple of cooler days of late making walking easier. I have gotten out of bed earlier and had my first walk before I’m usually out of the shower. Makes for a long and possibly productive day. 

I have been busy as I mentioned last time raking pine needles off the beach. It truly is a never ending project. I have decided to make matters worse and try to regain the 3-4 feet by about 100 ft of beach that has been lost over the last 20 years. Basically, all it amounts to is to rake and pull out the pine needles that were not raked up and removing the shrubs and vegetation that has grown up in the “new” soil created by the needles. Trust me, mother nature will over grow us real quickly. It is just waiting until we leave so it can take over again. 

Oh, by the way, my walking should be real close to or just over 1100 miles when I do my tallies on tonight. I have had a very good week. Jackie Kunkel, who many of you may know started my challenge, posted her having reached that milestone on Thursday, she is just a little ahead of me. Oh well, I’ll get there. Jackie is a quilt instructor that I got to know while in the teaching world.

I used the leaf blower and blew off the parking lot in back of the house, getting the sand off and cleaning out the cracks so nothing grows in them. 

One of those things that you find to do when you are retired. Trying to decide to seal the tar or see about just redoing the area and be done with it for another ??? years. I guess I’ll have to ruminate on it as the old dairy farmer would say.

The cucumbers are taking over the planter out behind the house. 

The tomato has many green tomatoes on it, however, I’m looking for red or yellow. 

They’ll arrive and then I’ll be chasing the neighbors with the extras. Time will tell. All it takes is a violent storm and I could be all done. Glad I am not trying to make a living or survive off what I can grow. I could, I would just need more land to do it on though. 

The green in front of the planter is almost completely Cleome that seeded over from last season.  Hmmm, do I leave its or do I pull? I’ve transplanted a few, but the watering requirements are high and I am becoming lazier, almost by the day. 

I have no idea what is causing it, well actually I do. Hot weather and I are not the greatest of buddies. We tolerate each other. Hot weather means I need to get up earlier to walk or take several walks because…later in the day, you guessed it, it’s too dang hot to walk. That means I either need to go to bed earlier the night before or plan on a siesta during the middle of the day. That seems to make sense to me.

Today may be one of those days I actually put on a bathing suit and be ready to maybe go swimming. It would be, at most, the second time since we moved here that I went swimming. Mind you, I do not plan on going swimming, I just want my bathing suit on to use the paddle boards. Tried a little, they seem kinda fun, but I definitely want my suit on when I go. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. 

Vanessa and the grands will be here today so they can play as well.

I think I figured out my dislike of swimming, and it is due to swimmers ear as a child. Later in life I learned I have a oddly shaped ear canal as well. When I went swimming I would get an earache, a violent earache. I learned to not like them a lot so no swimming for me. My right ear is hurting as I write this. All in my head, I’m sure. We’ll see, as I plan to go swimming at some point this summer. Either on purpose or because I fell off the paddle board.

The fourth of July is almost here, a time for being with family and loved ones and celebrating this great land we live in. Enjoy, we will. 

'Til next time.

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